Conor Murtagh's Pub
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facebook.comJust want to say a big big congratulations to our football team on doing what we might only have dreamed of a few months ago! What a year, congrats to captain David Wallace a fabulous footballer and role model. David and his team did multyfarnham proud on Saturday, I don't want to be repeating myself but as role models for our young players they are the best you could ask for. Well done again lads, what a bright future multyfarnham has!
Now that all the excitement and celebrations over the weekend in multyfarnham has eased off a bit I would like to say how proud all in murtaghs are of our football team. They gave the village the biggest lift since they won the all Ireland tidy towns in the seventies! I couldn't be more proud of these bunch of guys they were a credit to the village , well done again and best of luck next Saturday in their first Leinster match.
A big congrats to mark flanagan starting for munster this weekend
Best of luck to the Mutyfarnham football team on Saturday evening, hope this is our year at last 👍
Congrats to Colm Hogan on his selection to the Irish U20 rugby squad we will wish him the very best
Dont forget were having a big party night tomorrow new years eve. BBQ food ,great atmosphere and a great DJ from spin radio coming down!
Conor Murtagh's Pub's cover photo
Having a big New Year's Eve party this year. There will be BBQ food and music by a great DJ from SPIN radio should be a fantastic night
Well we will never forget this one I cant believe it , I was never as proud and happy. A big thanks to all the rugby fans that came in to watch the most memorable game in history. I want to congratulate joe schmidt who is beyond doubt the best coach in the world and we are blessed he stayed on. From all in multyfarnham well done Joe , and it's time for me to go to bed 😴👍🏉
Myself and my Girlfriend 👌😍

Decent ole stretch in the evenings these days. 😉🙃🌥. #guinness #guinnessisgoodforyou #irishspring #irishskies #irishpub #irishpubs #visitireland

Miss ye so much hopefully see yas again soon xx 😍β€ Shauna you hiding??

#omg #gonnabebridesmaids #bridemaids #2017

Family 💯💙

The black stuff #mygoodnessmyguinness #pintsahoy

40th birthday shenanigans #latergram #40thbirthday #sax

Me and heckbombs first selfie

Debs 🎉

This beauty off to her debs β€οΈβ€οΈ

A Family that drinks together stays together #itslit

When in Rome

#beauts my niece, Grace and my mum at Graces first communion at the wknd #family

#Family #Sister #Mum #Ireland

Gona steal this photo from jess 😂 elizabeths 18th🎉🎉 some close friends in this photo 💪🏼💪🏼 @jess.exo @stuiboii @alex1203walker_ #party#banter#pub#multy#murtaghs
