Mullingar Parish has five churches, including the Cathedral of Christ the King, which is the seat of Most Reverend Michael Smith, Bishop of Meath. Mullingar Parish has five churches, including the Cathedral of Christ the King, which is the seat of Most Reverend Michael Smith, Bishop of Meath. We have approximately 25,000 parishioners, with nine primary schools, three secondary schools as well as a range of pastoral and social activities.
Times of Masses
Cathedral Saturday Vigil: 6 pm
Sunday: 8.30 am; 11 am; 12.30 pm
Monday - Saturday: 7.45 am; 10 am
St Paul’s Sunday: 10.30 am; 12 noon
Monday - Friday: 9.15 am
Walshestown Sunday: 9 am
Brotenstown Sunday: 10 am
Gainstown Sunday: 11 am
Baptisms: Every Sunday at 3 pm - Contact Parish Office
Confessions: Saturday: 2.30 - 3.30 pm
Weddings: Couples should contact as soon as they decided to get married
Annointing of the Sick & First Friday Communion Call: On request
First Confession/First Communion: March/May
Confirmation: March/April
Adoration of Blessed Sacrament: Cathedral daily: 8 am - 8 pm
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facebook.comThanks to Eilis Mulroy for giving us an insightful and compassionate pro-life message at Masses in Mullingar today. “Whenever I speak on this issue, I am very aware of the difficult personal situations people have been in, their individual stories, and of the responsibility not to add to the pain those personally connected with the abortion issue may be experiencing” Eilis said. Eilis was careful to avoid any politicisation of the referendum but urged people to take an active interest in the debate and to become informed. “Usually referendums add protection to human rights; however the repeal of the 8th Amendment would take away rights from unborn children” Eilis said. In her address to congregations at Sunday Masses in the Cathedral and St Paul’s Church, Eilis recounted the story of John Paul Johnson, a baby boy diagnosed with a life limiting condition called anencephaly while still in his mother's womb. John Paul lived for just 17 minutes after he was born. His mother Cliona says: “While 17 minutes might seem like a very short time, those moments are etched in our hearts forever. It has been such a gift to look back during our time of suffering and loss and remember that precious life. John Paul had every bit as much right to be given a chance to live as anyone. He might have only lived for a few minutes but he had a lifetime’s worth of love in those few minutes.” Our pro-life laws have served as an example to many other countries, according to Eilis. “Ireland without abortion has been consistently a safer place for pregnant women than countries like the US where abortion is legal in wide-ranging circumstances.”
Easter Vigil at the Cathedral in Mullingar - awesome music by Will and the Cathedral Choir and instrumentalists; thanks also to our sacristans, servers and all our volunteers. We wish you and your families every Easter blessing.
Good Friday in the Cathedral and Outdoor Stations of the Cross in Mullingar
Holy Thursday in the Cathedral - it was so inspiring to listen to Orla Walsh speaking as a mother about faith in her family. Describing her three kids - one a 'devout Christian' who never misses Mass, one a 'searching Christian' who always comes to Mass but hasn't made it his own yet, and one who is a "I'll read at Mass if you give me a fiver" Christian. We could all identify with her real life mixture of faith and family life. Loved her motto - "When life gets too hard to stand, kneel". Orla gave us a rich reflection on the importance of faith in family life as we prepare for the World Meeting of Families. Among those taking part in the washing of the feet were Jack who made his Confirmation this month and his dad; Maeve who will receive first holy communion next month and her dad; two family members recently bereaved; Ray and Therese who are helping with the pro life movement; two Lourdes volunteers. Special thanks to the Cathedral Choristers, Lynn Singers, Dervilla and Will for the beautiful music.
Chrism Mass photos - part 2. Thanks to Will and the choir, the readers, servers, acolytes, sacristans and florists and all who helped us prepare for the Mass.
Lots of photos taken from yesterday's Chrism Mass - thanks to John McCauley. Mass for Holy Thursday this evening at 7.30pm
The Chrism Mass on Wednesday at 7.00pm on the Cathedral will celebrate the theme of family life. During the Mass, Bishop Smith will bless the holy oils which will be used at important family moments in the year ahead. The oil of the sick will be carried forward by Tony and Mary Allen, both of whom work in healthcare, accompanied by their daughter Laura and son-in-law Derek and granddaughter Roisin. Laura gave birth to baby Sean two weeks ago. The oil of catechumens will be carried forward by Alex Killeen, an altar server in Holy Family Parish, Ballsgrove accompanied by his mother Miriam, and Sandra Maher, a parish youth leader. The chrism to be consecrated by the Bishop will be presented by Fr Seamus Houlihan, who celebrates the silver jubilee of his ordination this year, together with Dominic and Deirdre Horgan and family from Nobber and also Bernie and Peter Sheridan and family from Kilbeg.
Westmeath family joins Pope Francis at Papal visit announcement Mary Bushell (nee Tumelty from Tang, Co. Westmeath) and her family took centre stage at St Peter’s Square in Rome last Wednesday when Pope Francis announced that he will visit Ireland in August. Mary and Michael and their two children Olivia (7) and Molly (5) were part of the small delegation with the Archbishop of Dublin who greeted the Holy Father to welcome him to Ireland for the World Meeting of Families. Speaking after the family’s audience with Pope Francis, Mary said that it was “an unforgettable and such a beautiful experience for us. Pope Francis was incredibly kind and good humoured especially with our children. We are just an ordinary family so it was an amazing privilege for us to represent all the families of Ireland who look forward to welcoming the Pope to our country in August”. The Pope gave each person a pair of Rosary beads. “Olivia is preparing for her First Holy Communion” her mother Mary said “and she is so delighted to have the Holy Father’s Rosary beads for her prayers as she gets ready for First Holy Communion”. “I am proud to say I had all my sacraments in Tang Church - Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation by Bishop Smith himself and I was also married in Tang” Mary said. Bishop Michael Smith welcomed the announcement of the Papal visit. Having served on the organising committee of the visit of St John Paul II in 1979, the Bishop is acutely aware of the significance of this Papal visit. “Pope Francis will bring to Ireland a message of healing” Bishop Smith told RTE. “His visit will inspire many families in their efforts to grow in faith and I’m sure that the Pope will be enthusiastically welcomed to Ireland” he said.
Delighted to welcome Kate Ascough (LoveBoth) to Mullingar this week. Here is one of the prayers we used during the Rosary for Life as part of our 12 hour prayer day on Friday in the Cathedral: O Mary, Mother of the Life Within. all life we entrust to you; the life of every expectant mother and the child within her womb; the life of every human body; the life of every human soul; the life of every newborn child and the life of all grown old. You held the Lord in your own heart and drew Him so close in. So draw us now in all our needs O Mother of the Life Within.
Congratulations to Dan Leavy, whose very proud grandmother, Joan Leavy, is a much loved member of Mullingar parish. It was worth lighting all those candles in the Cathedral. Dan and his teammates did our country proud today.
Our former curate, Mons. Dermot Farrell, was ordained Bishop of Ossory yesterday. The principal celebrant was Archbishop Martin, assisted by the Papal Nuncio and Bishop Smith. Bishop Farrell referred to Mother’s Day and said it was “a particular joy that my own mother, Carmel, is with us today; I thank God for the gift that she has been to me, and to my sisters and brother all throughout our lives.” Recalling his time in Mullingar and the Diocese of Meath, Bishop Farrell said: “I cannot adequately express my thanks to Bishop Michael Smith. In working with him through practically all of my priestly life, my vocation has been strengthened and enriched. His love for the Church, his fidelity of service, his example of prayerfulness and his availability to both priests and people has inspired me and will continue to do so. For almost 38 years I have been a priest of the Diocese of Meath. To have been a priest in that that diocese is a matter of great pride for me. Those priests who have faithfully served and are serving there taught me how to be a priest. I count on your prayers in the years ahead.” A native of Castletown-Geoghegan, Co. Westmeath Bishop Farrell was joined by members of his family, including his mother, Carmel Farrell, and sisters and bother: Mary Foley, Orla FitzGibbon, Fintan Farrell, Colette Campbell, and Gemma Egan.
Congratulations to our 280 young parishioners who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Cathedral today. It was such a joy and privilege to be part of this special occasion in their lives, together with their families, teachers and friends. We are very grateful to everyone who took part in the celebrations, especially Bishop Smith who marked the 55th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood this weekend.