The Paediatric Practice is aimed at children who require a second opinion at a Consultant level. Our charges are very affordable and appointments available The Paediatric Practice was set up in March 2008 to enable parents have a direct assess to a Paediatrician without undue delay and at an affordable charge/ fees. No referral letter is required.
Dr Susan Orwa is a specialist Paediatric Consultant. Dr. Orwa has extensive paediatric experience dealing with childhood diseases as well as providing Paediatric Immunisation.
Dr Susan Orwa has worked extensively in hospitals throughout the United Kingdom and also in Ireland as a Paediatric consultant at the Mullingar Regional Hospital.
Professional Fees
First Consultation €80
Second Consultation €70
There is no charge for reviews within one week.
To Book an ap pointment please call 044 93 85961
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS***********CARDIAC SCREENING*************************** The Paediatric Practice is now offering Cardiac Screening to teenagers who are actively involved in sports. We feel this exercise is necessary due to recent tragic events whereby apparently healthy teenagers collapsed whilst playing games. The exercise will involve physical examination and and ECG tracing of the heart. Children who are found to have abnormal physical examination will be referred to a cardiologist. The cost of the exercise is €70 with dicsounts available for families in receipt of social welfare or groups/clubs. For further information please contact The Paediatric Practice on 044 93 85961.
The Paediatric Practice
The Paediatric Practice
Hi All, Just letting you know the paediatric practice email account has been hacked, please delete any email you might have received from both Dr Orwa and myself. If you keep receiving emails please report. Thank you From the Paediatric Practice
The Paediatric Practice
The Paediatric Practice
Does your child suffer from any of the following , please contact us on 044-9385961 to book your appointment.