Perfumes & Cosmetics EQUAL is a brand specialized in perfume with a unique philosophy of high quality and great prices.
Our Perfumes are manufactured to the highest European standard in Spain.
We are working together with a European factory which has more than 25 years manufacturing and creating fragrances with it’s own laboratories and perfumer.
We specialize in countertype fragrances (generic perfumes).
are made with raw materials and essential oils of the same quality as the original source and the final price difference with the perfume fragrances to which we refer is the added value of the brand, and the cost of image, packaging and advertising.
No fancy bottles ,no fancy boxes, no middle man , only the HIGH QUALITY of our fragrances it matters !!
In EQUAL we focus on Customers today , who engaged in “smart shopping”, paying better price for a quality product.
Our fragrances are manufactured with high percentage of NATURAL ESSENCE.
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