The Maynooth Geography Society promotes awareness and discussion of Global Issues through events for students who are passionate about Geography :) Maynooth University Geography society is back and we have a lot in store for everybody! We aim to hold talks from leaders in the field, host social events for our society members, Field trips for students and have plenty of craic along the way ;)
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Come swing by the common room and make a couple of calls asking for Ibrahim's release. We provide the phone and the script :)
Hey guys, we are here in the common room from 10-4 with Milieu copies if anyone wishes to pick up an edition ! 😊 While you're here you can show your support for Ibrahim Hawala, 2 phone calls can change a mans life!
Do you have five minutes spare? MSU and MU Geography Society are asking you to make two phonecalls tomorrow (Thursday 27th April); one to the Taoiseach’s office and one to the Egyptian Embassy. We provide the phone, the script, we just need bodies to make the call. If enough people ring one after the other, we will block their phone lines and they will have to do something more. Please come along, take five minutes out of your day and make a couple of calls. If you can’t make it to the event but would like to do your part, all you need to say is the following: “Hi, my name is __________ and I am ringing you to ask that you act to secure the immediate release of Ibrahim Halawa. Can you please log this call with my name and my request?” They are generally very nice on the other end of the phone and realise that people are calling because they care. Just be respectful, firm, and make that call.
FOLKS! Something big is going down, the University are taking the common room to use as a teaching space. This is one of the few places on campus where students can go and hang out at any time of the day. Please sign this petition and make sure to put in a comment about why the space is so important to you: Come to the common room at 12pm tomorrow (Thursday 27th April) to have your voice heard...
Join us for the launch of our student published journal-magazine Milieu! We will be celebrating the work submitted by all of our wonderful members, with pizza and refreshments available on the night! It's set to be great craic, and the most glam society event of the year! Copies of Milieu will be available on the night for 3 euro each - be sure ot support your peers and grab one!
Hello fellow geographers! We'll be having our all-important AGM next Thursday, 13th of April, at 6pm in John Hume lecture hall one. On the night we'll be electing committee members for the next academic year - you can come along, hear a bit from our current committee, and run for a position if you'd like! We'll be electing president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, events co-ordinator, and a full PRO team! Do come along and be sure to have your say as a society member. We'll have snacks and drinks available on the night, and it'll be great craic! Feel free to drop us a message if you have any questions, or if you're nervous about coming alone! Looking forward to seeing all you lovely people there! Have a gneiss day ;) (get it!?)
Come to the arts block to see our visual representation of this map :)