2016 tournament will run Tue 5th & Thurs 7th July with Finals on Sat 9th July 2016 finishing off this year with a Folk & Ballad session in Soccer Club Lusk 2012 is the year our tournament was born. Paddy Sandford (who was suffering from cancer at the time) and Martin Russell decided that it would be fun to try raise some much needed funds for
2012 St Lukes Hospice, Temple Street Hospital and Help Sergio campaign
2013 Lusk Utd All Weather Pitch Fund & Pieta House
2014 Molly McNally
2015 Ryan Goldup
2016 Save Angel Karl
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facebook.comDon't forget to book you teams place for our U12 & U14 boys and our U14 girls 5a-side with roll in roll off subs. €50 per team all funds collected this year go to Snowflake Autism Support. Let's encourage children to help children by raising awareness and much needed funds.
Our selected Charity for this year is the wonderful Snowflakes Autism Support who do wonderful work with our young people.
Ok folks on 19th August 2017 we will run our annual Charity 5-a-side. This year we have changed the format and decided to focus on children's games. We are looking for U12 boys (2005) & U14 boys (2003) & Girls born 2003/2004, 5-a-side with roll on roll off subs. Please contact Graham on (086) 608 0082 or any member of committee below for more information; Martin Russell Kathleen Sandford Iain Ward Yvonne Cheevers
Look at precious Molly McNally on her First Holy Communion. Congratulations Molly from all your Paddy Sandford Annual Charity 5-aside fans. 💕 The Molly McNally Trust was our chosen charity in 2014.
Timeline Photos
Folks if anyone knows of any children born in 2005 interested in playing soccer please give Dave O'Neill a shout looking for another few players. Great forum for children to make new friends and get some exercise.
The Molly McNally Miracle Trust
Our 2014 funds raised went to this little Ladies Trust. What great news for Molly and her family.
Timeline Photos
As we move into the New Year let us take this opportunity to thank each and everyone who has taken part in our fund raisers over the last 5 years. No matter how big or small it all make a difference to someone's life. May we wish all our wonderful family, friends, supporters & sponsors, a Happy, healthy & successful 2017. From our Committee members Martin Russell, Graham Sandford, Kathleen Sandford, Iain Ward, Emmet Burke, Yvonne Cheevers
Lusk United AFC
Lusk United AFC
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Photos from Paddy Sandford Annual Charity 5-a-side's post
Look who has sent you all a big thank you.
Photos from Paddy Sandford Annual Charity 5-a-side's post
Look who wants to say thank you to you all for your support and help to make his life a little easier. Lots of hugs to you Karl from all your supporters @ Paddy Sandford Annual Charity 5-a-side 💕💕