Tá Gaelscoil Sáirséal lonnaithe i gcroílár cathair Luimnigh. Bunaíodh an scoil i 1990. Tá 243 daltaí ar na rollaí faoi láthair.
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facebook.comRang 3&4 ag baint an-thaitneamh as an RDS Primary Science Fair atá ar siúl i gColáiste Mhuire gan Smál.
Obair na bpáistí ar taispeáint ag an Marine Environment Expo in Oostán an Strand inniu. The fantastic work by our pupils on display at the Marine Environment Expo in the Strand Hotel today.
⚫️⚫️ C A S H F O R C L O B B E R ⚫️⚫️ Táimid ag glacadh le málaí ó inniu go maidin Aoine. We are ready and waiting for your Cash for Clobber bags! You have until Friday to drop them in. Tag a Gaelscoil parent to spread the word & raise some funds for the school! 👚👕👖👔👗👘👠👔👢👞👟👒🎩👛👜
*** CASH FOR CLOBBER *** Beidh Cash for Clobber ar siúl sa scoil ar an 17ú Samhain. Is féidir málaí a fhágáil isteach ón 15ú Samhain. Our Cash for Clobber day has been set for Friday November 17th. Bags can be left in from Wednesday November 15th. Start clearing out those wardrobes & help raise funds for our school 👠👟👗👖👚👕👔👡👢🎩👒👞👘👛👝👜
***UPDATE*** Ar mholadh na Roinne Oideachais & Scileanna beidh an scoil dúnta amárach. As per the recently issued Dept of Education & Skills directive, Gaelscoil Sáirséal will remain closed tomorrow 17/10/17. Please tag gaelscoil parents.
***School Closure*** De bharr an rabhadh aimsire dearg beidh an scoil dúnta amárach. Due to the inclusion of Limerick in the Red Weather Warning the school will close tomorrow on health & safety grounds. Please tag Gaelscoil parents in this post.
Ná dearmadaigí go bhfuil CCB Coiste na dTuistí ar siúl in Ostán an Absolute anocht. Tae & Caifé ó 7 & cruinniú ag tosú ar 7:30. Tonight's Parents' Council AGM in the Absolute Hotel will begin with tea&coffee at 7 and the meeting at 7:30 sharp.
Comhghairdeas leis na hiarscoláirí ar fad a fuair torthaí inniu go háirithe Stephen Ó Cléirigh a fuair sárthorthaí in Ardscoil Rís.
Comhghairdeas le hiarscoláire de chuid na Gaelscoile, Daniel Long, ar thorthaí iontacha na hArdteiste! Congratulations to our past-pupil Daniel Long on his fantastic Leaving Certificate results!
Hope foundation fundraiser in Na Piarsaigh tomorrow night. NB Gaelscoil Sáirséal has no involvement in this event, we are sharing the information only.
Ná dearmadaigí go mbeidh Rith an tSamhraidh ar siúl amárach sa pháirc idir 1:10 & 2:10. Tá cead ag gach rang páirt a ghlacadh, Naíonáin san áireamh. Beidh téamh suas sa pháirc roimh ré. Don't forget that our Summer Dash will take place in the park tomorrow between 1:10 & 2:10. All classes will participate, infant classes are welcome to stay on. There will be a warm up in the yard first.
Más rud é gur chaill sibh amach ar an dtuairisc nuachta seo daoibh anois é ó 18:30 ar aghaidh. In case you missed the TG4 news report check it out here from 18:30 on