Rainbow Bridge Reading Course teacher and official Rainbow Bridge Readings
Advanced Esoteric Aura Readings
Advanced Akashic Record Readings
Tarot Card Readings
I.E.T Healing and Certified Workshops
Certified Courses (Buddhic Column workshops)
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facebook.comI have enjoyed a very relaxing day off, after facilitating another phenomenal I.E.T (healing with the angels) training day. I had a surprise arrival as well with this beautiful Water Deva pendant landing, after a long journey over our seas. Many thanks to Corinne @the.terrestrial.mermaid! For obvious reasons I have not minded the rain today, as I have been pondering on the importance of flow and water in our lives. It is a part of life's fabric to not only enjoy working your life's Service (career) but to also equally enjoy doing nothing (cycles of rest). Both are important. As my new talisman has reminded me as well, it's not just about the destination but the journey as well. I look forward to continuing too enjoy the 'flow' of life that only water can bring. Without water in our lives physically and symbolically, life runs the risk of becoming stagnant and unhealthy on many levels. Find your flow, Enjoy your flow and Love the journey, no matter what life brings. Heal from the bad days, lap up the good days. Life will always continue to give you both. Blessings, Chloe 😇✨
Advanced Level Our Advanced Level Integrated Energy Therapy® Training class: Prerequisites: Completion of the Integrated Energy Therapy® Intermediate Level class is required for attendance at this class. Description: This class builds on all of the knowledge and techniques learned in our Basic and Intermediate Level trainings. While our Basic and Intermediate Level classes are focused on clearing cellular memory and the human energy field, our Advanced Level training is focused on helping you live your soul’s mission and bringing your dreams alive. Only IET Master-Instructors are authorized to teach this class. Advanced Attunement: You will receive a special Advanced Level “energy attunement” that will further open your energy field to the power of Integrated Energy Therapy® Advanced Level ray. Our Advanced Level attunement expands, realigns, and restructures the 4th pair (soul profile) and 5th pair (soul cluster) of your 12 Strand DNA. Once attuned to the Advanced Level IET Ray, you will have the ability to discover your soul’s mission and attract members of your soul’s cluster to help you live your soul’s mission and bring your dreams alive. Your Soul’s Mission: Every soul incarnates with a special mission that is not only perfect for that soul but is an integral part of the higher divine plan. The Advanced Level energy attunement will open you to a deeper connection with your 8th chakra (called the soul star) where the complete plan for your soul’s mission is stored. You will learn how to tap into the soul star energy and better understand your soul’s mission through the creation of a vision board. You will also learn about the four E’s of living your soul’s mission and how energy blockages can prevent you from living your mission. Muscle Tension – Relaxation Techniques: The deep energy blockages that can prevent you from living your soul’s mission can easily be released through the special Advanced Level Integrated Energy Therapy® muscle tension – relaxation techniques. These techniques applied to the arms and legs will accelerate you in the living of your soul’s mission. Soul Star Clearing: This Advanced Level technique lets you work directly with the 8th chakra to activate the energy of the soul’s mission and focus angelic energy to bring your dreams alive. Heartbeams – Healing the Earth: As an Advanced Level practitioner, you will be able to give back to Mother Earth by establishing columns of Integrated Energy Therapy® energy into the Earth called Heartbeams. Once established, these columns provide a permanent anchor of angelic healing energy into the Earth. These can be used to heal areas of the Earth that have suffered from human or natural devastation. Not only will Heartbeams offer healing to the Earth, but they will also offer healing to anyone who passes through them. As an Advanced Level Integrated Energy Therapy® practitioner, you can place Heartbeams in your home and office. You can also place them at the entrances to schools, hospitals, train stations, airports, and anywhere lots of people will pass through. Cost: €180. €50 deposit is required to hold your place. Time: 11 am to 6/7 pm Location: The Sanctuary Centre across the road from the Euro Spar Shop in Loughrea, Co. Galway. Please contact Chloe direct on 083 8003809 to book your place or for further details. All queries welcome. Blessings, Chloe 083 8003809
A massive heartfelt congratulations to Lisa Kelly and Louise Page, for excellence in completing their I.E.T Intermediate Level certified training. If you wish to book an I.E.T session with Lisa Kelly, please contact her on: 087 1921039 If you wish to book an I.E.T healing session with Louise Page, please contact her on: 086 3431154 Ladies enjoy giving these transformative healing sessions. I hope to see you for Advanced Level training on May 6th. Heartlinks to all. Blessings, Chloe 😇✨
Hello to all attending this event. I am very much looking forward to facilitating your Intermediate training this Sunday. See you all at 11 am this Sunday at The Sanctuary Centre in Loughrea. Blessings, Chloe 😇✨
Thank you to all who came. It was a gentle group healing evening. Looking forward to the 'expression' healing that will come in for all and the personal journeys that occur this month, with Indigo through the Group channel. Interesting and smoother times ahead. I hope to see all who can make it to our next Group Rainbow Bridge meditation, on Wednesday, April 4 th. Blessings, Chloe.
This is a beautiful meditation to attend, if you are interested in learning more about The Rainbow Bridge Techniques (self healing meditation steps). Healing is sent out to chakra points around our planet, as well as Chloe's signature Pink Light Technique for group and individual healing explored and experienced. These are deeply healing events to attend. Call 083 8003809 to book your place. €10 per person. Blessings, Chloe.
Following on from my last Spirit sketch, the spirit saga continues...... sitting in my very messy and just how I like it study at home, meditating on what colours will best express and breathe life into this now finished ink sketch. I'm feeling royal purple, reds, violets and indigos at the moment. Can't wait to get blending........ stay tuned for the finished piece. Blessings, Chloe ✨
This is a beautiful meditation to attend, if you are interested in learning more about The Rainbow Bridge Techniques (self healing meditation steps). Healing is sent out to chakra points around our planet, as well as Chloe's signature Pink Light Technique for group and individual healing explored and experienced. These are deeply healing events to attend. Call 083 8003809 to book your place. €10 per person. Blessings, Chloe.
Advanced Level Integrated Energy Therapy® Training class: Prerequisites: Completion of the Integrated Energy Therapy® Intermediate Level class is required for attendance at this class. Description: This class builds on all of the knowledge and techniques learned in our Basic and Intermediate Level trainings. While our Basic and Intermediate Level classes are focused on clearing cellular memory and the human energy field, our Advanced Level training is focused on helping you live your soul’s mission and bringing your dreams alive. Only IET Master-Instructors are authorized to teach this class. Advanced Attunement: You will receive a special Advanced Level “energy attunement” that will further open your energy field to the power of Integrated Energy Therapy® Advanced Level ray. Our Advanced Level attunement expands, realigns, and restructures the 4th pair (soul profile) and 5th pair (soul cluster) of your 12 Strand DNA. Once attuned to the Advanced Level IET Ray, you will have the ability to discover your soul’s mission and attract members of your soul’s cluster to help you live your soul’s mission and bring your dreams alive. Your Soul’s Mission: Every soul incarnates with a special mission that is not only perfect for that soul but is an integral part of the higher divine plan. The Advanced Level energy attunement will open you to a deeper connection with your 8th chakra (called the soul star) where the complete plan for your soul’s mission is stored. You will learn how to tap into the soul star energy and better understand your soul’s mission through the creation of a vision board. You will also learn about the four E’s of living your soul’s mission and how energy blockages can prevent you from living your mission. Muscle Tension – Relaxation Techniques: The deep energy blockages that can prevent you from living your soul’s mission can easily be released through the special Advanced Level Integrated Energy Therapy® muscle tension – relaxation techniques. These techniques applied to the arms and legs will accelerate you in the living of your soul’s mission. Soul Star Clearing: This Advanced Level technique lets you work directly with the 8th chakra to activate the energy of the soul’s mission and focus angelic energy to bring your dreams alive. Heartbeams – Healing the Earth: As an Advanced Level practitioner, you will be able to give back to Mother Earth by establishing columns of Integrated Energy Therapy® energy into the Earth called Heartbeams. Once established, these columns provide a permanent anchor of angelic healing energy into the Earth. These can be used to heal areas of the Earth that have suffered from human or natural devastation. Not only will Heartbeams offer healing to the Earth, but they will also offer healing to anyone who passes through them. As an Advanced Level Integrated Energy Therapy® practitioner, you can place Heartbeams in your home and office. You can also place them at the entrances to schools, hospitals, train stations, airports, and anywhere lots of people will pass through. Location: The Sanctuary Centre in Loughrea. Located across the road from the Euro Spar shop. Time and date: 11 am to 7 pm, Sunday May 6 th. Cost: €180. €50 non refundable deposit is required to hold your place. Cost includes fully illustrated training manual and certification. Booking is essential. Please contact Chloe on 083 8003809 to hold your place. All queries welcome. Website:
Due to the success of my recent classes and demand, I will be teaching another Certified Basic Level of IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) Location: The Sanctuary Centre is located across the road from the Euro Spar shop, in Loughrea, Co. Galway. Date: Sunday, April 15 th 2018. Class Materials: you will receive a fully illustrated 26 page Integrated Energy Therapy® Basic Level Guide and an official Integrated Energy Therapy® Basic Level Certificate. Please contact Chloe Folan on 083 8003809 or pm to book your place. Chloe is a fully certified IET Master Instructor. Basic Level IET Class – works at the 1st (physical) and 2nd (emotional) pair of the 12 Strand DNA and provides students with the ability to clear physical and emotional energy blockages from the cellular memory and leave in their place positive physical and emotional energy imprints. Prerequisites: This is the IET entry-level class and there are no prerequisites required for attendance at this class. Teenagers are welcome to train in this modality as well. This is a full day certified workshop. Cost €150. Lunch is not included. Light refreshments will be provided. €50 non refundable deposit is required to hold your place. Chloe will only be taking a maximum of 9 people for this workshop.