Our school motto is : “Ní Neart go Cur le Chéile” and we practice that motto every day in Scoil Chorp Chríost Knockanure Scoil Chorp Chríost, Cnoc an Iúir is a rural school situated on top of a hill in the North Kerry parish of Moyvane/Knockanure. “Cnoc an Iúir” means the “Hill of the Yew Tree “. Our school is a mixed school with 85 pupils. Knockanure has a long history of education with the first school having opened in 1814. Scoil Chorp Chríost replaced that school in 1966. We are celebrating “50 Bliain ag fás “ this year. We play many sports, especially Gaelic football and basketball and we are very successful in quiz competitions. We have even participated in the All-Ireland Credit Union Quiz Final. We love having school concerts and doing Dramas. Visitors always complement us on our bright, happy, welcoming school. We do Irish social dancing and our Set Dancers qualified for the Co. Final of Scór na bPáistí last year. We participated in Peace Proms in 2014 and again this year ! It was a fantastic experience.
We have participated in the Junior Entrepreneur Programme. We have 3 Green Flags and just received the news that we have been awarded our 4th Green Flag. We are work towards our Active School Flag and are a Health Promoting School.
Our school motto is : “Ní Neart go Cur le Chéile” and we practice that motto every day in Scoil Chorp Chríost Knockanure
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facebook.comWe had great excitement this afternoon when Santa came to visit with a selection box for everyone! Thanks to Holly’s Gala for organising the visit. 🎅🏼
Save the date 12th and 14th december Knockanure National School concert
Don't forget School concert next Tuesday and Thursday. A special thanks and well done to all the staff and pupils for the amount of work being put in. A night not to be missed
Pupils from Knockanure National School putting in great work for next week's school concert
Everyone is very busy rehearsing for our Christmas Show! We are all looking forward to next Tuesday and Thursday night!
Congratulations to Jake Whyte for coming 1st in the Credit Union Art Competition. Everyone in Scoil Chorp Chríost is very proud.
Everyone really enjoyed our Skipping Workshop with Mark from SKIPnROPE. The children can’t wait to get their new skipping ropes to continue to work on and improve their skipping skills.
We started gymnastics this week and everyone had great fun learning the different steps to complete the forward roll as well as many fun games.
Many thanks to Fireman Ned Keane from Listowel Fire Service who visited Rang 3 & 4 today to speak to us about a very important topic - fire safety.
We planted spring bulbs. We can’t wait to see how they grow!
Well done to all the boys and girls who were very generous and filled lots of shoeboxes for Team Hope. This year Team Hope are planning to give the shoeboxes to Street children, orphans, children in hospital, poor families, victims of war or other needy situations.
Lovely visit from Moyvane Village Festival Committee Members today. They presented the school with a beautiful plaque to celebrate 25 years of the festival and brought lots of goodies for the children.