Hummingbird Learning Centre
We make learning fun!
Children & adults discover their learning style and develop new strategies for spelling, reading, maths, writing and concentration. We specialise in helping children and adults overcome a variety of learning challenges! Our mission is to make learning easy and fun, to nurture the innate curiosity that we all have and help people access their unique style of learning.
The Hummingbird Learning Method® was created by Elaine Sparling to help adults and children overcome the effects of various learning difficulties and disabilities such as:
- Improve focus and attention
- Reading, writing, listening
- Exam stress
- Studying and notetaking
- Overcome the effects of ADD/ADHD
- Autism spectrum
- Dyslexia
- Difficulties at school
- Overcome the effects of developmental delay
- Overcome the effects of PDD (NOS)
We use The Hummingbird Method® to allow each person's individual learning style fly right over any stumbling blocks - making learning easy, enjoyable and giving you a whole new outlook on life:
- Hummingbird Learning Jewel Program for Children
- Iridescent Program for Students & Teenagers
- Nectar Program for Adults
- Iridescent & Jewel Programs for Schools
We also work with people with specific difficulties such as Dyslexia, ADD / ADHD, Autism Spectrum, Motor Skills and other sensory issues.
To find out more and get a FREE assessment click here:
Phone: +353 87 2996054
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facebook.comWhy I Agree with Banning Spinner Fidgets! | Hummingbird Learning Centre
I have to agree with the teachers on this one!!
Timeline Photos
Just got an email saying... CONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE A FINALIST AT THE CONNECT KERRY WOMEN IN BUSINESS AWARDS 2017 CATEGORY- Education and Childcare So excited!!!! What a start to the weekend!!
Foil Arms and Hog
A smile to start your day. I'm always talking to / swearing at my computer, usually about the Internet connection!! Or lack thereof!!! 😤😂
Time to bring back Comics? | Hummingbird Learning Centre
Who else loved comics?
When's it Hometime?
Love it. As the mum of 2 boys I was clueless about Jo Jo bows. I got some withering looks when I asked my Hummingbirds about them. 😂😂
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Our clients constantly amaze us. This incredible person decided that at 78 years of age she had had enough of not being able to spell well and so signed up for our Nectar Course! #ChangeYourFuture
GAA Craic
Lámha suas if you had a teacher like this😂😂😂
Timeline Photos
Having a cuppa in between clients in Tralee. Loving my Hummingbird cup!!
Six Step Plan for Final Term Study Success | Hummingbird Learning Centre
Back to school - some tips for study success during the final school term
Love it!!
Reduce uniform and book bills for parents or risk losing funds, schools...
Reduce uniform and book bills for parents or risk losing funds, schools warned