Hate and Hostility Research Group-HHRG
The Hate and Hostility Research Group was set up by academics in the University of Limerick. HHRG focuses on hate crimes and hostility in modern Ireland. The Hate and Hostility Research Group (HHRG) was set up by academics in the University of Limerick with an aim to initiate scholarship in the area of hate and hostility studies in Ireland from an interdisciplinary perspective. The group recognises the importance of working in cooperation with community, civic and government partners. Through cross-sectoral engagement, we endeavour to progress dialogue between all stakeholders in the area.
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New laws to combat online abuse such as cyberbullying and revenge porn
In their September 2016 report on Harmful Communications and Digital Safety, The Law Reform Commission of Ireland “recommends that hate speech should be addressed as part of the general reform of hate crime law …” http://www.lawreform.ie/_fileupload/Final%20Report%20on%20Harmful%20Communications%20and%20Digital%20Safety%2021%20Sept%20PM.pdf “The Commission considers that reform of online hate speech laws needs to be undertaken as part of an overarching reform of hate crime, as the problems with Ireland’s hate crime laws extend beyond the potential difficulty with applying them in the online setting. Firstly, the 1989 Act, which is the principal Act within this area, is ineffective, with only a limited number of convictions secured under it.329 This is because the offences under the Act are very difficult to prove, particularly the stirring up hatred offence under section 2. Secondly, while progress is underway to implement the Cybercrime Convention, action still needs to be taken to implement the 2008 Framework Decision as well as ratify the Protocol to the Cybercrime Convention. 2.255 In this respect, it is clear that comprehensive reform of hate crime legislation is in progress and the Commission considers that such an approach would be preferable to efforts designed to address online hate speech only. This view was shared by many of the respondents to the Issues Paper. Because this type of wide-ranging reform is outside the scope of this project, the Commission recommends that online hate speech should be addressed as part of the general reform of hate crime law.” The Report cites the work of the Hate and Hostility Group at the University of Limerick.
ENAR Ireland’s July-December 2015 iReport.ie Reports of Racism in Ireland Published
Love Not Hate Campaign Endorsers
LFN June Meeting: Street Harassment and how to deal with it
Timeline Photos
Our thoughts are with those affected by the tragic incident in Orlando.
Stop LGBT Hate Crime - GLEN
For anyone in Ireland wishing to record or report LGBT hate related incidents that they have experienced or witnessed, they can do so at: www.stophatecrime.ie www.teni.ie/stad
LGBT Helpline, support and information for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Community , Family and Friends
In light of the recent tragedy in Orlando, we are urging anyone feeling distressed since this horrific incident to reach out to the National LGBT Helpline on http://www.lgbt.ie/ or 1890 929 539.
Press Release: Statement from Irish LGBT Organisations on Orlando Tragedy
Thinking about Orlando - The International Network for Hate Studies
Ireland ‘out of step’ with hate crime policy
“This is a demonstration of love not hate, it’s a campaign calling for hate crime legislation in Ireland because at the moment we have no legislation protecting people from different minorities,” ( http://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/ireland-out-of-step-with-hate-crime-policy-1.2580427 )