UL PVA Student Volunteer
University of Limerick President's Volunteer Award (PVA) programme The President Volunteer Award (PVA) has been established to harness, acknowledge and support the contribution that students at the University of Limerick make to their communities.
The PVA draws on a strong tradition of student volunteering both on and off campus.
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facebook.comCongratulations to LIT who launched StudentVolunteer.ie this week. Thank you to all involved for the warm welcome we received. We're really looking forward to working with you in the future!
It's News Flash Friday! Read all about our certificate ceremony held for the learners of our digital classes: https://www.studentvolunteer.ie/ul/news/digital-class-certificate-presentation
UL GP Interest Group members, Have you volunteered with the Exam Stress Programme? Apply and log all of your hours now! https://www.studentvolunteer.ie/view-all/exam-stress-workshop
Volunteers needed for weekly movement class with Limerick Autism Camps. 1 hour per week starting April 19th for 5 weeks. Click here to apply: https://www.studentvolunteer.ie/view-all/limerick-autism-weekly-movement-class
Volunteer bag packers needed for Rape Crisis MidWest. Dunnes Stores Childers Road April 13th from 12-8pm. Volunteer for as little as 2 hours. click here to apply: https://www.studentvolunteer.ie/view-all/bag-packing-volunteers-required-in-aid-of-rape-crisis-midwest
Volunteers needed for Le Cheile. Make a difference by promoting positive mental health - PVA deadline 31st May! Click here: https://www.studentvolunteer.ie/view-all/student-volunteer1
Calling GEMS students! Have or do you currently volunteer with MedSoc, AMSI, or the Health Equity Programme? Apply and log all of your previous volunteer hours on the new opportunities created on studentvolunteer.ie
Volunteer opportunity with EVA international, facilitating their education workshops. Click here to apply: https://www.studentvolunteer.ie/view-all/eva-international-education-volunteer
Apply for your PVA! Click on the link, download the reflective portfolio and fill it in. Send it to pvaportfolio@ul.ie https://www.studentvolunteer.ie/ul/how-it-works/student-resources/
Once off, 1 hour volunteer opportunity with ULSU, focus group regarding Epub programme, to apply click here: https://www.studentvolunteer.ie/view-all/focus-group-e-pub-online-alcohol-intervention-programme
We received a lovely response regarding our tech class programme, it is a volunteer taught class and highly beneficially, read about it here: https://www.studentvolunteer.ie/ul/news/lovely-response-from-a-121-digital-participant