My name is Barbara and I offer dog walking/pet minding services in the Meath East, Drogheda and Balbriggan areas.
Dog walking and pet minding while you are away from your fur babies. Give yourself peace of mind as I look after your pets in your absence.
Tell your friends
Opening Hours
- Monday
- 09:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday
- 09:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday
- 09:00 - 17:00
- Thursday
- 09:00 - 17:00
- Friday
- 09:00 - 17:00
- Saturday
- 09:00 - 17:00
facebook.comWhen we know goodbye is imminent but we’ve made a date to see each other again soon 😍😍 Loved having you stay with us big bouncy puppy!! 😄😉👍🐶🐾🐕 #thosesadeyes #goldenretriever #dontlooksosad #whosfurwalkies
It’s Year of the Dog!! Happy Friday from this Happy Doggie Ruby!! 🐶🐕😍🐾😊😂#chinesenewyear #yearofthedog #itsfriday #sheistoocute #whosfurwalkies
Happy Valentines Day! Will you be mine??! 😍🐶💕 #atreatwilldoinstead #tryingtolookmybest #whosfurwalkies #happyvalentinesday
Molly & Rio on the slooowww mowww! 🐕🐾🐶🐶 #feelingabitslow #whatsthehurryanyhow #whosfurwalkies
Bailey photobombing Peanut! 😆🐾🐕🐶 #getoutofthephoto #photobombing #whosfurwalkies
Here comes the weekend! And the gang! Happy weekend everyone! 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶 #allthehappyheads #itsfriday #whosfurwalkies
This is how Callie feels about having Rio along Fur Walkies today! 😝😄🐶🐶🐕🐾 #bootorio #preferwalkingonmyown #whosfurwalkies
Brrrr!! It’s cold out there today. At least these two had their fur coats on! 😨❄️🌧🐕🐾🐶🐶 #staywarmfolks #iwishihadafurcoat #whosfurwalkies
It’s Monday! Let’s shake off those weekend cobwebs! 😆😆🐶🐕🐾 #shakeitallabout #heregoesanotherweek #whosfurwalkies
Friday afternoon walkies on a lovely spring day! 🐶🐶🐶🐶😊☀️😉 #walkiesinspringtime #sunnyday #whosfurwalkies
Toby says “Wheeeeee, it’s almost the weekend!!” #toocute #skippingthroughthedunes #newinthegang #whosfurwalkies 🐕🐶😊😜
Harry: “Benny’s leg is looking good for a nibble!” Benny: “Rio’s looking good, haven’t seen her in weeks!” Rio: “Treats!!” #priorities #outforawander #whosfurwalkies 🐶🐶🐶😉😂🐕