Holistic Hound
Natural herbal remedies for everyday pet health care, treating your pets in a more gentle, safe and effective manner.
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Lovely piece today by Dogs First's Dr Conor Brady on AZ and us! Hurrah! We have a very special announcement to make next week too, so keep your ears and eyes open everyone. Have a great weekend x
Doggy Market
Red and Howling
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Poem today sent in to me from Molly's mummy, who misses her so very much; our thoughts and love are with you at this saddest of times: Molly you were my best friend and you were taken from me today Molly I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me, but how I would have loved you to stay. You brought me so much happiness and I thank you for showing me how to trust and not to fear. Molly I always felt with you I could be myself to smile and having the space to shed many a tear. I will never forget you for I know God brought you into my life to show me how to love. So many memories, I will miss our regular walks we did every day, I was your hand and you were my glove. I am so sad you had to leave us so very soon, my dear molly you can never be replaced. I will never forget the joy you brought me and I will always have the memory of your beautiful face. Goodbye my beautiful pet my beautiful Molly, my best friend Today your life on this earth came to an end If I have this heart of love for you God created you and he loves you so much more. Molly I give you all my hugs and thank you for coming into my life and helping me to soar.
Victoria Stilwell
No words ...
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Eric putting her pawprint stamp of approval on today's orders!
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
Love this so pinching from Catherine 😂😂 and stealing someone else's response as its perfect! I am a drug dealer for your pets 😂 Your turn.....
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Golden Paste | Holistic Hound
Catch 22. The lovely weather has got us all out and about with our four legged friends. But its also fierce cold. Lots of walking plus the drop in temperature is not a good mix for many dogs with arthritis, including my precious Saffi. At almost 14 she is convinced that she is still a puppy, but is really starting to struggle after long walks. So, what can you do? Well, over the last few days we have increased her dosage of Golden Paste, and she seems a lot more comfortable. So if you are looking to try something to help, or if you are running short, get your orders in now to see them through these colder days. http://www.holistichound.ie/_p/prd1/3892350021/product/golden-paste
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In memory of those fur babies who left us in 2106. Gone but never forgotten, your paw prints will remain imprinted on our hearts forever 💔💔
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Oh yes ☺☺☺