South Kerry Skillnet
South Kerry Skillnet is promoted by South Kerry Development Partnership Limited. Training Programs & Support Services. Training is becoming more important than ever as business knowledge is becoming a key source of competitive advantage and must be ongoing to maintain and improve the performance of individuals and their contribution to the enterprise. All training courses will be delivered at times and venues in the area that suit the needs of the members, minimising cost and disruption to the business.
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If you are looking for a Job have a look at the Job Sheet as there are plenty of jobs in South Kerry at the moment
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Would you like to Work in the Retail ? We are running a free training course for Job Seekers who would like to work in the Retail sector. This course will in April and run 3 days a week for 6 weeks, and integral part of this course is 5 days’ work experience in retail sector Contact Tracey or Aoife for more information on T: 066 9762477
Timeline Photos
Would you like to Work in the Retail ? We are running a free training course for Job Seekers who would like to work in the Retail sector. This course will in April and run 3 days a week for 6 weeks, and integral part of this course is 5 days’ work experience in retail sector Contact Tracey or Aoife for more information on T: 066 9762477
Photos from South Kerry Skillnet's post
Great event , Thank you Bank of Ireland Killorglin #enterprise
Photos from South Kerry Skillnet's post
Enjoying the Killorglin Town Enterprise Event . Call to see us at our stand
Timeline Photos
Would you like to Work in the Retail ? We are running a free training course for Job Seekers who would like to work in the Retail sector. This course will in April and run 3 days a week for 6 weeks, and integral part of this course is 5 days’ work experience in retail sector Contact Tracey or Aoife for more information on T: 066 9762477
South Kerry Skillnet C/O South Kerry Development Partnership CLG Wishes to invite applications for the post of SOUTH KERRY SKILLNET - NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR A full job description is available by contacting Sorcha Finnegan on 066-9472724 or emailing Please send your Curriculum Vitae with a cover letter outlining your suitability for the position in strict confidence, and not later than 5.00 p.m. on Monday 20th March 2017
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Would you like to Work in the Retail ? We are running a free training course for Job Seekers who would like to work in the Retail sector. This course will in April and run 3 days a week for 6 weeks, and integral part of this course is 5 days’ work experience in retail sector Contact Tracey or Aoife for more information on T: 066 9762477
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Do you wish to become a trainer ? The Train the Trainer course is designed to equip you with the skills you need to become a certified, professional trainer. Cost €495 per person Start date: March 2017 Contact Tracey or Aoife on T: 066 9762477
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Would you like to Work in the Retail ? We are running a free training course for Job Seekers who would like to work in the Retail sector. This course will in April and run 3 days a week for 6 weeks, and integral part of this course is 5 days’ work experience in retail sector Contact Tracey or Aoife for more information on T: 066 9762477
Timeline Photos
Would you like to Work in the Retail ? We are running a free training course for Job Seekers who would like to work in the Retail sector. This course will in April and run 3 days a week for 6 weeks, and integral part of this course is 5 days’ work experience in retail sector Contact Tracey or Aoife for more information on T: 066 9762477
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Are you interested in Occupational first Aid - €175 per person This is a comprehensive 3 day QQI / FETAC Level 5 Certification Course which covers all the essential aspects of the Occupational First Aid Contact Tracey or Aoife on T: 066 9762477