New page for all your up to date information on the Thomastown show. Please post your photos from the weekend here and let us know how you got on!
Tell your friends
Hope you are all well and had a great summer. So what are you plans for the Autumn/ Winter season? Feel free to post events, sponsored rides here and let's get everyone out enjoying their horses.
Another Pit stop. Please visit Sinead Ni Riain and enjoy her work!
Kilkenny Hunt
Ballyfoyle Gymkhana 2017
Waterford Country Fair
Gorey Agricultural Show schedule
Timeline Photos
Thanks to Mount Juliet Estate for their sponsorship at our show this year. Great to have a local business steeped in equine history show such great support to a long standing show such as ours. Here is Liam O Meara and Curraghgraigue Jack take flight modeling a cooler after their win!
Kilkenny Hunt
All packed away till next year. Wishing you all the best for the summer!