The Track Team was created by Mondello Park to provide Marshaling services to Car Race events at the circuit. The Track Team also provides off track services like paddock assembly, pit lane, race start and admin.
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facebook.comGreat turn out today for the Fiesta Endurance Race. Some new faces combined with some experienced marshals. Lot of training done, both on the banks and with our new snatch drivers. Every last one determined to do their bit and make it work. So looking forward to the new season cars and bikes. Our club mascot Mondo, says he never met a better bunch of people
Our marshals go above and beyond the call of duty on a weekly basis to ensure everyone's safety, without them events couldn't go ahead and for that we thank you! If you would like to join the team, send this page a message or call the office on 045860200.
Become a part of a great team of people and join the team of marshals here in Mondello Park ! If you've a keen interest in motorsport, this is something you will love! If you would like to join the team, send this page a message or call the office on 045860200
Join our already experienced team of marshals and join the Orange Army here in Mondello Park. You'll be paired with an already experienced marshal and shown the procedures marshals must undertake during a race day. If you would like to join the team, send this page a message or call the office on 045860200
Make sure you're out on the banks for the 2018 racing season, it's going to be a busy one! Send this page a message or call the Mondello office on 045 860 200 to join! It's simple and easy to do, and a great way to get close to all the action! Make sure you give it a go!
Before the 2018 begins, why not sign up to our Mondello Park Track Team! We want you to be out on the banks keeping an eye on proceedings, making sure all out on track are safe. If you would like to join the team, send this page a message or call the office on 045860200
Hi all Just want to say a great big thank you to everyone who turned out for our marshal training day. Especially to those who helped with the facilitating of the event Enda Cully, John Horgan, Jay Murray, Eoghain Ward and also to Orlagh O’Reilly who made the presentations in place of our Club President Maeve Mcdonnell who was unable to make the AGM (we hope young Caoimhe is getting better). And of course the lady who works so hard to make all our events work out Clodagh Brennan. I think our training day went well, with fifty participants turned out with very few hiccups and a lot fun had by all. Three hour of class room and an hour and half of burning cars. Then it was soup and sandwiches prepared for us by the the lovely Linda Lawless. Lunch was followed by hot laps in the Porsche and for those who don’t drive a spin around the circuit at race speed in the M Powered BMW. Mondello also presented us with an orange t-shirt and black beanie hat with a logo which read Mondello Motorsport Marshals. Smiling faces all round so Thank you Mondello After all that we held our AGM where it was put to the members that both the MMA and Track Team Marshals would be run by one committee but still holding there own names. This was agreed unanimously by both clubs. Michael Singleton spoke to the the room about members wishing to avail of accommodations for the racing at the North West 200. This comes in the form of a house share for which there is room for five more people. This will involve a £50 Sterling deposit on booking and £50 on arrival. Booking must be in by the end of next week. Contact myself or Clodagh for contact details. Our Committee now consists of eleven members Maeve Mcdonnell : Honorary President Orlagh O Reilly : Honorary Treasurer Gerry Power :Chairman Rachael Horgan : Secretary John Horgan : Treasurer Clodagh Brennan : everything else 😍 Jay Murray Colm Slippy Kelly JJ Curran Mattie Kennedy : Track Team Enda Cully : Track Team Again thanks to everyone Giving the fact that our Training Day and AGM went so well with everyone participating and interacting with each other I am now all the more so looking forward to the 2018 season and the new adventures that we will face together Keep you phones on and the Lovely Clodagh will keep you all informed of all our race meetings Gerry Power
The orange brigade are training hard ahead of the 2018 season! Great to see a great gang here! Mondello Park, Motorsport Ireland,, Murray Motorsport,, Formula Vee Ireland, Irish Drift Championship
Great to see so many marshals here today for training! If you would like to join the team of marshals send this page a message or call the Mondello office on 045 860 200
A day on the banks is a good day according to these two happy fellas! You'll get as close to the action as anyone on circuit! If you think you would enjoy this, send this page a message or call the office on 045860200
Join our already experienced team of marshals and join the Mondello Park Track Team. You'll be paired with an already experienced marshal and shown the procedures marshals must undertake during a race day. If you would like to join the team, send this page a message or call the office on 045860200
Become a part of a great team of people and join the Mondello Park Track Team! If you've a keen interest in motorsport, this is something you will love! If you would like to join the team, send this page a message or call the office on 045860200