Mindfulness Galway offers Mindfulness training for the purpose of stress reduction, improved health, increased effectiveness and life satisfaction. Mindfulness is now recognized as a powerful tool for dealing with stress, chronic pain, and many other medical and psychological conditions.
Mindfulness is about paying attention and is a way of being more deeply present to your body, your thoughts, and your emotions. It involves learning to work with what’s already here, in a less reactive, less judgmental way. It’s about living your life in the richness of right now, not being lost in memories of the past or overwhelmed by the worries or projections of the future.
Though we all have moments of mindfulness, often we are more familiar with mindlessness, when we operate on “automatic pilot” and are distracted from what is actually happening – both around us, and in our own bodies, minds, and hearts. When driving, we may be thinking about a TV program from the previous night. We might be shopping while talking on the phone or cleaning while daydreaming.
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facebook.comA Day of Mindfulness
Day of Mindfulness in Esker, Athenry
Day of Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a practice of meditative awareness of the present moment - awareness of our body, thoughts and feelings. With regular practice mindfulness can help us to manage stress skilfully and avoid burnout. We can begin to recognise the positive choices we can make in the present, and bring more kindness into our lives. This day of mindfulness is suitable for people who are new to mindfulness practice as well as those who have some previous experience or have finished a course. Over the course of the retreat, you will have the opportunity to explore mindfulness practices such as sitting and walking meditation, eating meditation, body scan and guided movement, within a supportive group. A short period of the day will be spent outdoors, (if the weather is suitable) so please wear your walking shoes, wrap up, and bring a raincoat! There will be periods of silent practice throughout the day and this will include the lunch period. A vegetarian lunch will be provided and there will be tea and scones on arrival. Throughout the day, there will be time for discussion following each practice as well as personal reflection, and support around setting up a regular home practice. Wear loose comfortable clothes and bring a blanket and pillow. Please avoid using scented products. Leave yourself plenty of time to arrive by 10am and plan to stay until the end of the day. FACILITATOR The daylong will be facilitated by Carmel Sheridan, a psychotherapist, supervisor and mindfulness teacher. Carmel is the author of three books including The Mindful Nurse: Using the Power of Mindfulness and Compassion to Help You Thrive In Your Work. For more information or to register, visit or call 086 8185974. Pre-registration essential.
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