Jimmy Phelan believes that your business can be a lonely place, get personal and financial support as he guides you to a better lifestyle and income. I get involved in the accounts, records, reporting, cash flow, revenue requirements and banking facilities. This is sometimes referred to as the financial controller's role. The way I look at it : you do what you love (and are good at) and leave the rest to me.
My buzz comes from getting a new challenge or business under control. I have just finished setting up a new system for an old business and the directors are now getting focused, accurate up-to-date information making it easier for them to manage their business. My previous assignment was reviewing and correcting a neglected accounting system that was responsible for taking a good business to the edge of the abyss and liquidation was not far off. But with accurate, timely and focused financial information the management team were able to re-take control and steer their business back to profitable trading. As one of the board members later said "it's better to know, even if the news is bad, than not to know at all. If you know you can react and correct".
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