Description delivers online Certificate of Origin certification services to Chambers of Commerce & exporters around the world. TradeCert is a wholly-owned by essDOCS, the leading enabler of paperless trade.
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facebook.comSouth America embraces TradeCert, as CERA becomes the continent's 1st Chamber to adopt essDOCS electronic Certificates of Origin (eCOs)! ¡América del Sur adopta TradeCert! Con CERA convirtiéndose en la primera Cámara Sudamericana que adopta los Certificados de Origen electrónicos (eCO) de essDOCS.
What better way to celebrate this major milestone than with our valued customers! Thank you for taking the journey to paperless certification with us!
Very excited to be nominated in 2 categories in the Irish Exporters Association Export Industry Awards. Looking for to a great evening. #FingersCrossed
Even the #ConfedPlayers guys are going online! Come by & see us at our @CdnChamberofCom booth at the #CCCAGM17 for more info #CertsofOrigin
An exciting new era for TradeCert, as we proudly announce our acquisition by essDOCS
Another productive day in Sweden yesterday, this time with Anna & Annali in Östsvenska Handelskammaren who will be launching the TradeCert system with their exporters in the coming weeks. Pictured: Anna Högberg, Anneli Forsman, Ann-Marie Slevin and Brian Smith.
Very productive day in Örebro with our colleagues in Handelskammaren Mälardalen who will be launching the TradeCert system to their exporters in the coming weeks. Looking forward to working with you all. Pictured are: Inger Lindquist; Anneke Olsson; Jesper Granath; Mikael Wass; Maria Käck; Brian Smith; & Ann-Marie Slevin
Delighted to be in Gävle with our partners Mellansvenska Handelskammaren to launch TradeCert to their exporters. Looking forward to working with you all. Pictured are: Andreas Garp; Ann-Marie Nordling; Malin Englund; Brian Smith & Ann-Marie Slevin.
It's official- TradeCert hit's 1 million documents! Stay tuned to find out more!
TradeCert are delighted to partner with Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije for e-Certification. Thank you to Eva Zontar and the documentation team in Ljubljana! Click here to find out how TradeCert can help you save time and money! -