Social Club dating back to 1837 in the heart of Galway City
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facebook.comPublic Lecture on Agrarian Reform and Resistance in an “Age of Globalization” A very interesting conference is coming up at NUI Galway on 2-3 June, 'Agrarian Reform and Resistance in an "Age of Globalization": The Euro-American World, 1815-1914', including a Public lecture: by Professor Sven Beckert (Harvard University) Friday 2 June, 8pm, Mechanics Institute, Middle Street, Galway. The purpose of this conference is to explore the myriad experiences of agrarian reform and resistance that characterized rural regions of Europe and the Americas, whether based on either free or un-free labour, between 1815 and 1914. In this period, the economic changes associated with the influence of the Industrial Revolution transcended national boundaries, profoundly affecting rural societies by transforming patterns of demand for agricultural commodities. The resulting drives for ‘improvement’ and better market integration, typically exacerbated the fundamental economic, political and social inequalities that prevailed in most agrarian regions. In all those regions, the proprietors’ efforts were often resisted by the diverse range of un-free and free labourers who produced agricultural commodities for sale on the world market, including slaves, serfs, sharecroppers, tenants and peasant proprietors. Focusing on the above issues, this conference features scholars of rural Europe and the Americas who will discuss the possibilities for comparative and transnational research within and between the different agrarian regions of the Euro-American world. To register or for further information contact the conference organisers, Cathal Smith and Joe Regan,
Hedge School
Jamming session continues today at 3pm. All musicians welcome. Folk/Jazz
AGM to be held on Saturday the 28th of January 8pm