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Mellericks Health Store

24 Patrick Street,, Fermoy, Ireland
Health Food Store



A Health Store located in Mellericks Pharmacy, Fermoy, Co Cork, Ireland. Offering our customers a full range of Irish organic foods, supplements & skincare


Need a boost reaching your weight loss target for 2018...I have the answer! Here are some proven products that can give you that helping hand to get those stubborn pounds off your body for good! 😊 Call in for more details...

Just a reminder about John the Revive Active expert coming today from 3 to 5. If you have any queries on Revive Active,Joint complex or Mastermind please pop in - we would be delighted to see you..😊

Revive active head office are sending us their Holistic Dietetics expert John Lalor on this Friday the 19th from 3 to 5. Revive active, easy to take supplements cover the original revive active complex for energy/ well being, revive joints for repair. New out Mastermind to help cognitive funtion. If you have any queries or would just like to taste some of their amazing products -please feel free to pop in...😊

Prevention is better then cure! Here in Mellericks "Well & Good" healthstore we have plenty of vitamins to keep you fighting fit! For more information on avoiding the flu or curing your flu pop in store...

Happy New year to you all.🎉 Are you tired of feeling unwell, bloated and sick of inflammation. Make 2018 the year you banish these feelings for good! 😊 A simple Lorisian test takes 10 minutes to complete and it could change you life... Call in more information or give me a call on (025)31501 ext 2.

CHRISTMAS TIME.🎄 Here are our fabulous Christmas gift sets from Well & Good -we stock all the famous brands such as Dr. Hauschka,Trilogy, Weleda and Tisserand. They tick all the boxes for your Healthy Christmas list..🎁

Just arrived in store & who would have ever thought it .. cannabis/ hemp oil. The newest treatment on the market for Chronic conditions such as Parkinson’s, M.S., M.E ,Crohn’s & depression. It treats others conditions as well I just listed a few here. Call in for more info...

I have just downloaded an app called Headspace it shows you a step by step guide to meditation- I’m going to give it a go over the weekend.. why not try it yourself? Helps you to relax,sleep better & gives you more clarity. Win/ Win 🙂

Back in stock by popular demand - Buy one get one free -you only pay for the Shampoo the Conditioner is free. Happy days ...🙂

Have a look at this interesting article on Vitamin D,its well worth a read. With Winter on the way its time to start thinking of getting more Vitamin D in your daily life. Call in for any advice you may need...

Look what's just in from Ella's kitchen her Almond & blueberry protein ball's . Today I have sample's in store for you to taste. Pop in to try for yourself -you won't be disappointed !

Check out this fabulous cleanser from Kinvara...I have tried it myself and find it amazing!


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