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FITTstop Personal Training

Unit 3 Castlehyde Road, Fermoy, Ireland
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



Putting 'Personal' into personal Training in Fermoy and beyond!!.


Mark That Diary ASAP Saturday August 25th 2018 #MysterySchoolTour#BackByPopularD #Epic#ItsComingOurWay

Thanks for those who shared His owner is on route to collect him 🙌🏻

This Little Fella wandered into FITTstop Anyone Missing him extremely Friendly & well kept Can you share please Call 086 8226668

It’s not often I find myself with spare time to just sit & write unfortunately we live in a world where time flashes by faster & faster each day From the comfort of my Pjs I am writing this post because it’s something I feel like I should do It May waste 3 minutes of your day from reading it or in the other hand it may touch home with you for a few moments . It’s now the middle of March already and those Motivating Months at the start of a new year have gone past were now heading towards Summer with brighter Mornings & Longer Evenings Those who had set goals for January & February and are finding themselves still chasing there tails regards weight loss or obtaining results well Welcome to my World 🌎 January & February have been personally shocking months no matter how hard I kept trying always something would set me right back to the start so when you stepped one foot forward it ended up been a long 3 steps back ..... Whether is was family dinners to social outings to emotional eating to celebrating there will always be curve balls in your journey The whole idea of this post is to inform clients of Fittstop it’s going to be ok if you struggled in January & February as I assure myself in life nothing Great was ever achieved without Hard Work Those who struggle are those who end up more stronger and powerful at the end of your journey in achieving those better results We live in a world where you have to be a certain weight to be healthy I live in a world where I’m like yea I look a lot heavier then you but I bet i damm fitter then you 🤪 So here’s To March The New January We got this & Were Grabbing those results with open arms It’s never too late to keep bettering ourselves it’s never too late to go achieve those goals 💪🏻 Sylvia x

What a Epic start to the Week 💪🏻 From 6am this Morn right up to closing up shop for the night 👌🏻 Be Proud of what you achieved this Monday at FITTstop as it’s bringing you one step closer to your objectives 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

Happy Mother’s Day To all those Super Mothers Out there ❤️ ESP Our Clients ❤️❤️❤️

Happy International Women’s Day ❤️ Don’t forget ladies your a force to reckon with We are Strong Women because we were raised by even Stronger Ones FITTstop was Created Designed & Built Up by the Strength Knowledge & Power of Two Women Myself & My Bestie Go Achieve The Impossible Because A Brave Woman will always Strive 👌🏻 Happy International Woman’s Day to all

We’re Officially back opened Tomorrow Monday from 6am Onwards Cabin Fever is Finally Over We can’t wait to get back to Normal & Routine No More Snow Please Were Done with it 💪🏻 Well Done to All who Entered Our Recent Competition Just short of €200 Worth of Classes was given out to all those who entered we were feeling in gifting form 😂 Keep an eye out for future Competitions See you Tomorrow 💪🏻

Congrats To Sinead Barry for Winning Best SnowMan Entry Sinead you can avail of 2 Free Fitness Classes as FITTstop 💪🏻

For The Day that’s it in ... We’re going hold a Competition at FITTstop 💪🏻 Best Snowman Photo wins 2 Fitness Classes at FITTstop Like Share & Add Photo to Comment Section ⛄️ Get Building Draw will take place over the Weekend

What a difference 12 Months can Make I would like to Introduce you to Nick We were so excited the reveal this Transformation Nick had gone threw over the last 12 Months . His Commitment to Training was 100% from Day One and it just goes to show how hard work does really pay off 💪🏻 To be part of Nick journey over the last 12 Months was nothing but a honor for us. We are so proud of everything he has achieved . So Nick from us all at FITTstop Congratulations 🎉 Wow 6 Stone 3 Pounds Gone 👌🏻
