Amit ashram is located in Beautiful settings of the foothills of Mount Leinster and Blackstairs Mountain series around 8 kms from Enniscorthy town. I have been dedicating 12 years to the demands of mindfulness to all aspects of my life. Currently Amitashram is a project that focuses my attention, with an objective to build a temple that incorporates the Shiva philosophy and allows people to connect with a part of themselves that can become shut-down to modern day to day life.
The Ashram is a platform for the spiritual teachers with backgrounds in traditional monasteries and ashrams, to connect with international students who are ready to explore yoga beyond the mat.
Ashram does not impose any fixed manuals, guidelines, books, traditions, rules, etc. Nor do we bang you with some abstract spiritual philosophies. What we teach is simple yoga and meditation practices that can be of practical use in your daily life to harmonize all areas of life, including diet, sleep, sex, relationships and work attitudes. Nirvana follows.
Here at ashram we do under supervision of Mahadev himself by the means of Yoga, Meditation,Holistic therapies,Communal ceremonies.
An Ashram is Distinct from a Guesthouse, a hotel,a family house or a holiday resort. The purpose of an ashram is neither a commercial activity nor leisure.
an ashram is also a community and thus a place where every effort needs to be made to cultivate the spirit of Love,respect and service. The behaviors of Ashramites should always be an example for the right conduct of human life in the world . The activities and the atmosphere of the ashram needs to be such that they are always conducive to meditation and spiritual upliftment.
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facebook.comThe lent is finished but I have just realized that I have kept my 40 days plastic free lent so well.yaaay. 😚☺ Yes there were moments when it was not easy for my friends I met during that time when they had to carry the huge plastic bags and I got away with carrying just wine , bread and cheese 😁🕉., During plastic free days i realized if you do not get a plastic bags, you will buy just what you need, which will take care of your subliminal greed. You will have to make a habit to go to your local shop again and again, in that case you always buy fresh . Most of my plastic free experience revolves around consumer products, I think this is where revolution is needed. I will carry on or try my best to be plastic free , no lent needed for this no more. Love ,light and happiness x ❤ Om . #amitashram
New Ashram mission, this summer x om
Happy Maha Shiv ratri to all the lovers from the Ashram. Legend says it Shiv ji were married to Parvati this day ,This is special today cos this has fallen on Valentine's day. Ashram sends warm wishes and message of love for all the Shiva's and Parvati out there .love light and happiness. Om namah Shivaya. 💟💟💟
Thank you for photos Sam Geaney , here are some pictures of the Gatherings x Om .Love light and happiness #amitashram
The Shiva Shanti Gathering Namaste !! We are calling a gathering in the name of the humble master Shiva at the land of Amitashram, a remote location just 10-15 minutes drive from Enniscorthy. Shiva is the your third eye which reptesents pure consciousness. A higher level of frequency . This chakra can be activated through Yoga, meditation, art and music .Shiva represents the idea that we are all our own god, walking our own path in harmony with the Earth. Om . This is the third gathering that will be held on this land. The Core Values being: 1) No Electricity. Completely Acoustic. No Speakers and no mics. We also ask that no one bring they're own private speakers. This is to give us the opportunity to experience the silent orchestra of nature and the natural sounds of acoustic instruments. Giving musicians and performers the opportunity to preform without a demand for electric amplification and for audiences to really experience true authentic and natural music. (For safety, at night, a generator for lights will be turned on so that we're not in the dark. A lot of the land is on a hill and covered in forest so being able to see clearly at night is important as there are lots of roots to trip over so we are encouraging everyone to bring torches, lights, candles in safe containers and spare batteries. Wellies or waterproof boots are also recommended for the terrain). 2) 'Silent' Gathering. During the day and evening, there will be an acoustic stage where we will have a socially enforced rule for all audience members not to speak or whisper to each other. All communication must be done through gesture or writing. This is to respect the acoustic performances as every sound will be heard including your whispers. Applause and laughter is perfectly acceptable. This rule will only apply to the acoustic stage and 'silent trails' leading up to it. All other areas are communal as normal for fun and banter. This rule ends at night once the generator is turned on. 3) Vegan and vegetarian food only. No meat on site please. Thank you :). 4) Leave no trace. Anything you bring must go back with you. There is no where for rubbish to go and no one in charge of collecting it other then you. (Booze is allowed but only on condition that it leaves no mess. The land must look beautiful all the time. No empty cans or bottles left on the ground for 'someone' to clean up later. Clean as you drink. The same applies to smoking and cigarette butts. Please don't get too intoxicated. The terrain is dangerous. Someone getting injured or worse is a bad buzz for everyone not just you). 5) Everything is for everyone. Everyone sharing everything. Space is limited for camping and for parking so carpooling and tent sharing is encouraged. If you can sleep in your car rather then pitch a tent, that is also encouraged. We're all in this together. 6) No Cook in Charge. Self responsibility for cooking and leftover waste. Communal cooking is encouraged to save time and resources. Cook enough for yourself and your neighbours. (Bring lots of water. There is a fresh water stream that runs through the land which is safe to drink after its been boiled. So were recommending to use that for cooking and to bring your own drinking water). 7) Take part or observe. Different kinds of ceremonies and activities will be taking place. Please don't pressure anyone to take part if they don't want to. Some people would prefer to observe. We must all respect our individual experience. 8) Keep yourself and everyone safe. We are all in this together. We are all responsible for everybody's experience at this gathering and we all want it to be as positive as possible. Always be aware of each other and the space that we're in. We don't want any accidents as the terrain is very uneven. And please don't climb the trees while intoxicated because you will be the idiot who falls and hurts themselves or someone else or worse. 9) We are asking for all participants of this gathering to pay respect to the land of Amit Ashram and to the Shiva, and donate your time, labour or money. This can only happen if we make it happen and the more we each put in, the more we'll all take out. So please pay it forward in whatever form you can. 10) Bring totem or thread to tie in Temple of Fertility . Blessings. The official date is the Saturday the 7th of October. But we are asking for everyone who can to come down on the Friday the 6th and help as much as possible. There is always ways that we can improve things. If you can come down even earlier, that's even better. Only people who are officially invited on the event page are allowed in. Don't bring any unexpected guests. Its private land and we need to keep numbers to a minimum for safety concerns. Overcrowding could be dangerous. And only confirm that you are coming if you know 100% that you are going to come. Space is limited but it would also be a shame to see space going to waste because some people didn't show up. And please be aware that the camping ground is uneven and that space is limited. We need to make sure that we leave space for hand carts to carry resources. Bring airbeds and whatever you can to make yourself as comfortable as possible in spite of this. And if you can camp in a hammock in the forest that's even better, weather permitting of course. Bring lots of water!!! The exact location will be posted in the coming days. WELCOME TO KUMBHMELA!!! EventPhoto Credit : Daire Shaw x
Om x
Timeline Photos
Photographer Daire Shaw took Picture of Shiva alter at #amitashram ..Love light and happiness x Om