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Dungarvan Country Market

Causeway Tennis Club, Abbeyside, Dungarvan, Ireland
Shopping & Retail



Every Friday Morning
9.30am to 1:pm
Indoors at
Causeway Tennis Club,
Abbeyside, Dungarvan, Co Waterford
Dungarvan Country Market
Every Friday Morning 9.30am to 1pm
Indoors at
Causeway Tennis Club,
Abbeyside, Dungarvan, Co Waterford

For Fresh
Homemade Bread, Cakes & Pastries
Savoury Quiché and Sausage rolls
Eggs, Chutney & Jam

Locally Grown
Vegetables, Herbs
Flowers & Plants

Creatively Designed
Crochet, Bags, Soft Toys, Cards

Great Value Tea & Coffee


It's Friday!!! Hope to see you for a chat and a cuppa at today's market. 930 to 130 in the causeway tennis club Abbeyside

Don't forget that your local country merket is in the Causeway Tennis Club Abbeyside Tomorrow 9:30 - 1:30 with all you could want for a great friday - Buns, Tarts, Scones, Quiches and Sausage Rolls would make a lovely lunch. Eggs, Jams and Chutney. Apple juice. Books for Charity. Personalised Cards while you wait, for any occasion. Crochet for young and old - ponchoes, toys and tea-cosies. Come sit in our coffee corner and relax while we pack up your purchases. Hope to see you tomorrow - stay for a cuppa☕

We don't grow them exactly like this but you will find a great selection of flowers, plants, and herbs in your local country market Abbeyside Dungarvan when in season. Hope to see you Friday 930 to 130 in the causeway tennis club Abbeyside.

Not exactly baked like this but come see the wonderful baked goods at your local country market Abbeyside

Not available at your local country market 🐶

After a cold, windy and rainy week i'm hoping for a sunny bright day tomorrow. We are in The Causeway Tennis Club tomorrow morning 9:30 - 1:30. We have carrots, chutneys and apple juice, baked buns, scones and tarts - Don't forget you can order a birthday cake from us, Crochet clothes and toys, Personlised cards. And more......All served with a hot cup of tea and free parking.☕

Where did this week go. Tomorrow is Friday again and another Country Market awaits you at the Causeway Tennis Club, Abbeyside 9:30 - 1:30 tomorrow. Drop in and say hi if you are in the Abbeyside/Dungarvan area - stay for a cuppa☕🥧

Congratulations to the winners of our Christmas draw here at the market. 1st prize: Fiona Moloney. 2nd prize: Mary Looby. 3rd Prize: J.Power . Well done all 💐


NEAR Dungarvan Country Market