Apache Pizza Dungarvan
Call us on 058 48479 to order or pop into the store.
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Apache Pizza
Apache Pizza
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We are now taking bookings for: Confirmations 🎉 Communions🎉 Birthday partys🎉 Christenings🎉 Or any other special events🎉 Please call or pm us for more details 😊😊
Apache Pizza Dungarvan's cover photo
Apache Pizza Dungarvan's cover photo
Now selling McDonal's fresh cut, homemade style chips... The best quality fresh cut chips NOT FROZEN! Have you tried them yet? They are yummy 😊🍟🍟🍟🍟
Apache Pizza | Dungarvan | Pizza Takeaway
Apache Pizza Dungarvan's cover photo
Photos from Apache Pizza Dungarvan's post
You can now order with us through Marvin.ie... We have 3 great deals available exclusively on Marvin and if your a new Marvin customer you get 15% off your first order!! Happy Days! 😊🍕🍟 Apache Dungarvan Tel: 058 48479 www.apache.ie www.marvin.ie