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Irish Red Cross Dungarvan

Dungarvan Community Hospital, Dungarvan, Ireland
Emergency Rescue Service



The Irish Red Cross Dungarvan Branch reformed in 2013 and over the past 4 years has built up to a strong growing branch. We provide regular training and upskilling to our members, and provide first aid at local events. To Book First Aid Cover for your event please contact or our Branch phone on 0876792328.

The Red Cross is one of the most established humanitarian organisations in the world. With the largest volunteer base of any organisation, it has 100 million members in 170 different countries. The organisation has been awarded the Nobel Peace prize four times already.

The Red Cross movement was founded by a Swiss man Henri Dunant after the battle of Solferino in Northern Italy, where over 40,000 soldiers died or were wounded. He was appalled by the suffering of the wounded and dying on both sides. He organised local people into groups to help the wounded regardless of their nationality. This events prompted him to write the book "A Memory of Solferino" in 1862. He expressed the idea of forming "relief societies for training volunteers to care for the wounded in wartime …based on some international Principle".

In 1863 Henri Dunant and four other citizens of Geneva formed the International Committee of the Red Cross I C R C. The first society was formed in Wurtemburg that year. In 1864 the Geneva Convention for the improvement of the condition of the wounded in armies in the field was formed and by 1867 16 countries had signed up agreeing to it. The movement spread quickly across Europe and America showing the success of Dunants idea. The movement also spread into the Islamic world but they used the emblem of the Red Crescent as they associated the cross with Christian beliefs. The two symbols now have equal status and meaning. In 1901 Henri Dunant was awarded the Nobel Peace prize for his efforts.

The Irish Red Cross was set up in 1939. Since its inception the Irish Red Cross has been involved in many projects including in 1945 Organised the first Water Safety Campaign and it set up a hospital in St Ló, France after the Normandy town was bombed. Post World War two it raised £12 Million to help Post War Relief and set up the Freedom from Hunger Campaign which was that developed into Gorta. It went on to set up the first Blood Transfusion Service and opened up two hospitals to prevent the spread of TB. in 1965 the Red Cross launched Old Peoples Year which resulted in the formation of Meals-on-wheels, Home Help and Good Neighbour Service. It has been largely involved in helping Refugees from Hungary (1956), Vietnam (1979), Bahi (1985), Bosnia (1993), Kosovo (1998) & Syria (Presently). In 2005 it raised over €30 million for the Tsunami Relief Effort.

Fundamental Principles



Our AGM will be held on Tues 30th of January in Lawlors Hotel at 7pm. All members are asked to attend and anyone interested in joining is also more than welcome.

Met Eireann has issued a Level Orange severe weather alert (Wind). Valid from 00:01 Wed. 24/01/2018 until 05:00 Wed. 24/01/2018

Local roads reported very icy and slippery today. Please take care!

Well done to all who participated in the Operation Transformation Walk in Dungarvan this morning, thankfully the weather held off and well done to our guys providing cover on the Bike Unit.

Some advice on what to do with colds and flu and when you need to see a doctor 🤕🌡

Visitor ban to patients in Dungarvan Community hospital due to influenza virus. Where appropriate, mobile phone contact between families has been advised as an alternative to visiting.

Weather warning in effect for very low temperatures tonight in South and Eastern coasts.

Training resumes tomorrow night 8th January at 7.30pm behind Caredoc, after a much deserved break! Hope to see you all there. New Volunteers always welcome.

GIVE BLOOD in Lawlors Hotel, Dungarvan on Mon 8 Jan @ 5-8.30pm, Tue 9 to Thur 11 Jan @ 3-5pm & 7-9pm. 0214807400.


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