Aidan Hunter Fitness
Fitness Professional:Personal Training BOOTCAMP Fitness Classes Nutritional AdviceInjury Rehabilitation OK folks welcome to Aidan Hunter Fitness.. Basically I am now Personal Training giving nutritional advice and running BOOTCAMP Fitness classes..
Anyone interested please contact me for further details..
Specialising in: Weight Loss
Muscle Gain and Many More...
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facebook.comThe last 10 weeks have been a rollercoaster to say the least. From the moment of diagnosis through to my surgery and up to the last meeting with my consultant, nothing really has gone to plan. I'm happy to say that I've no treatment for now and I'm quite enjoying being back in the gym. My bloods have normalised which is good but I'm still left with a 50% chance of cancer returning within the next year. I'd like to personally thank you all for your acts of kindness, messages and cards over the last while. For now from me, it's a massive F**K you cancer. You don't scare me, in fact you've made me stronger & more resilient. If you decide to come back I will be waiting, fighting fit and I'll go in all guns blazing. Thank you all for your support , Aidan ✌🏻
I've always like the idea of a "fitness and surf" weekend here in Dunfanaghy. With the help of Aisling Arnold of Arnolds Hotel Dunfanaghy, Lee Wood of Narosa Life and some clever marketing from Cathy Cowan, we came up with "SURF'SUP" activity weekend. Allowing people from anywhere to come and enjoy what our locality has to offer. With burgers from @Cafe Arnou & Gourmet Burger Bar and pizza from The Rusty Oven to keep our guests fed, some surfing on our amazing Donegal beaches with Narosa Life and finally a team work out up in Aidan Hunter Fitness. Health reasons didn't permit me to play my role in the weekend in the end up but thankfully Aisling and Lee's team along with Coach Barry, successfully pulled it together. The feed back was amazing and our group from Dublin loved it. This is an amazing example of what Dunfanaghy and the surrounding area's have to offer, along with what our local businesses can do when they put their heads together. Many thanks to the team at Narosa Life and Arnolds Hotel Dunfanaghy for their role in the weekend.
We have a few last minute spaces available on our 6 week Christmas cracker program for anyone that's interested. To help get into the Christmas spirit, Barry and I would like to give away 1 spot for **FREE** . All you have to do is comment "me please" or tag a friend you think deserves a free space. We will announce and contact the winner tomorrow at 12pm
In a bid to keep everyone's spirits high and keep you all motivated this winter, Barry and myself have come up with "The Christmas Cracker project". Barry will be looking after your training and I will be looking after your nutrition. Together we will do our very best to get you in shape and set you up for Christmas. With 2 cracking trainers for the price of one this Christmas you'd be crackers to miss out! Secure your spot and find out more by private message.
Hi Everyone, This is just an update to say that I'm reluctantly taking some time off from the gym due to health complications. Thankfully I have coach Bazz to lean on. Until I know more I won't know exactly how long I'll be off. I'm still able to run some things behind the scenes and will be working closely with Barry to ensure all clients and gym users are achieving their goals. *The important news* Barry is taking all classes and personal training sessions. Classes run Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 7am and 6:30pm. All levels, especially beginners are welcome. I'm still available to take online clients, covering both nutrition and training. In fact I'd be more than happy to take some new clients to keep my head busy as I recover. If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message. Although I'm not in the gym personally, it is still running as normal and I encourage people to still use the facility and call in to see Barry. ✌🏻&❤️ Aidan
I'm very pleased to say that we now have Coach Barry (as he's known in the states) here with us for the rest of the summer. Barry has a Bachelors in Sports and Exercise Science and a Masters in Sports and Exercise Nutrition, amongst a list of other qualifications. He has also just finished a 3 month internship as a performance coach with Athlete Training and Health in Houston Texas. Barry will be helping to take classes which run Monday, Wednesday & Fridays at 7am and 6:30pm. He is also available for personal training and small group personal training sessions. We are running a special package offer for his first 5 clients. Please contact the page for further details.
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Good morning Despite the road works, all classes, PT sessions and normal gym hours apply at AHF. Father Doohan has kindly allowed us to use the car park at the chapel to keep the roads free from parked cars. Please be careful crossing the trench, surprisingly there is no health and safety precautions or a path for pedestrians of the gym, community centre or school kids to cross the road.
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I've got to know this amazing lady over the last few years. Sara has been coming to me since the days the gym was just an empty shell. Her consistent work with me in the winter months has paid dividends slowly over time. Sara looks a completely different woman and has lost a total of 34lbs and is still going strong. Sara has never had to feel deprived from food. I've never put her on a strict eating plan or high intensity cardio. Sara did 80% of this through tracking her food intake, doing weights with me and walking her dog Tori 🐶 If you've yet to sign up to my email listing and would like to learn more about what I do then you're missing out! It's where I give away all my best information, last week I talked through how Sara lost her 34lbs with me. If you want that email so you can see how I trained Sara then sign up and send me a quick email. I'll personally send you through Sara's transformation details.
Poland Vlog
My recent trip to Poland with my friends and also my first attempt at creating and editing a Vlog. This video is an insight to my lifestyle when I'm not training or counting macros. I hope you enjoy. Shoutout to SMP Vision for the editing tips.
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We visited Auschwitz 1 and Auschwitz 2 concentration camps in Poland today. An unearthly experience showing how cruel and brutal human beings can be. One of the prisoner blocks that is now a museum had this quote written on the wall. "Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it"
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I'm delighted to be sponsoring Rachel's programming in preparation for her AFL games which start later this year. It's great to see her strength increase and see how far her knowledge in training has come along. If you seem to be a little lost with how to structure a progressive training plan or you just enter a gym and want to stop "winging it". PM me and let me help you with all them questions you have and get you a personalised plan in place.
Lifting weights gave me a sense of purpose when I started. My head needed a sense of worth because it felt worthless. When I was struggling with mental health the gym was my answer. When I felt I had no direction in life - the gym was my answer, so much so it became my focus to help others. I feel a certain responsibility to young men and women in particular. To show them that moving a weight from A to B through a range of motion and getting stronger correlates to much more than that outside of the gym. That becoming physically stronger makes you mentally stronger and the stronger you become the stronger you want to be. My personal gym goals have changed somewhat to becoming stronger, slowly and naturally over time. Coaching and watching individuals grow gives me a sense of worth and purpose now. Photo cred goes to @stevmac ❤️#mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #purpose #gym #gymlife #irishfitfam #fitfam #personalgrowth #lifting #goals

I got the chance to train @anthony_sommerville in my gym a few weeks ago. He was here on holiday and is currently being trained by @upfitnessdxb @upfitnesslive . I offered to train him to see how I measured up against the worlds best personal trainers. He was more than happy with my session which is pretty cool for a small gym in Donegal! His Tshirt was also light grey when he started the session! He has lost a seriously impressive amount of weight & his dedication to his program, even on holidays was admirable. Best of luck with the rest of your journey @anthony_sommerville ✌️ . . #personaltrainer #irishfitfam #fitfam #irishpersonaltrainer #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #weightloss #ireland #wildatlanticway #donegal #donegalbusiness #irishbusiness #gym #weightlifting #ultimateperformance

Male body acceptance and male body dysmorphia are hugely under highlighted on social media. Whether it's the insecurity of talking about insecurities or the unrealistic views and pressures young men place on themselves. Looking at Instagram accounts of peers who are 100kg and less than 10% body fat is already painting a negative picture in young men's heads. That this is how big they need to be or how strong they need to be. It doesn't paint the picture of how these guys are working angles, taking multiple photos, manipulating lighting and pumps to get the best shot. It also doesn't take into account the use of enhancing drugs, photoshop or DSLR cameras. Here are three different photos all taken within 30 seconds of each other. The first with lighting and a pose, the second with lighting, a pose and editing and then the third relaxed and no focus on angles or lighting. Look at where you are, where you need to go and enjoy the process of a few years following a structured...

I have often seen trainers having disputes about flexible dieting and clean eating on Instagram. It must leave people very confused as to what is right. A persons approach to nutrition is so subjective on so many different levels. There is no right or wrong way. There are smarter ways, but a persons approach should also reflect sustainably and keep longevity in mind. I'm a flexible dieter for the sole reason that when I was a clean eater I would binge after a week to two weeks of a clean diet. So I developed an unhealthy relationship with food. Flexible dieting proved the most sustainable, accurate and gave me the healthiest relationship with food I've ever had. I introduced it to a client of mine who was a clean eater and she couldn't handle the flexibility, she couldn't walk away after her few squares of chocolate or bowl of coco pops and so she binged because of flexible dieting. It clearly didn't suit her. If you can have your little bit of chocolate every day and walk...

Getting back on track 👌info on my holiday recovery tips just emailed today for those on my newsletter! 📨 join for free on my website! Link in bio 😎 . . #irishfitfam #weighttraining #irishbusiness #iifym #recovery #macros #macronutrients #gym #gymlife #liftinglife #nutrition #advice #freeadvice #nutritionadvice #trainingadvice #fitfam #fitfamuk #fitfamni

Feeling and looking watery after an incredible trip to Dubai. My plan to get back on track now between today and Monday is to: Start tracking my macros and get somewhat close to them as I was before I left. Get my mother to make me some Irish 🍀 stew. Drink copious amounts of water. Get some form of sleep routine back under my belt. Train some compounds - nothing that will stress me too much, just move through the motions before a new heavier training block next week. #personaltrainer #liftinglife #gym #irishfitfam #backontrack #macros #iifym #reality #irishbusiness #weighttraining #irish #compoundtraining

Who else is knee deep in their calorie surplus 🤓🤓🤓 . . #irishfitfam #weights #fitness #weightlifting #lifestyle #surplus #bodybuilding #bulking #legday #fitspiration #healthyliving #motivation #like4like #l4l #workout #fit #instagramfitness #inspire #instalift #gains #strenght #gymrat #igfitness #exercise #fitfam #fitfamuk #follow4follow #followme

A few of my squat day essentials. @sbdireland @strengthshopuk 🖖🏻 . . .#nikeromaleos #irishfitfam #squatday #squats

Today's workout was the first in 5 days and it was a grind. My programming rotates in 4 week cycles, this week is meant to be week 3 of 4 but I'm going to rinse and repeat week 2 in an effort to ease in and get some volume under my belt. If you happen to miss training for a while, wether it be because of a holiday or travel or maybe you're unwell. Then always ease in to a comfortable place and work from increasing your total lifting volume over time from there. There's a time and a place for high intensity workouts but after a break probably isn't ideal. . . #deadlift #irishfitfam #weights #fitness #weightlifting #lifestyle #girlswholift #bodybuilding #girlswhosquat #legday #fitspiration #healthyliving #motivation #like4like #l4l #workout #fit #instagramfitness #inspire #instalift #gains #strenght #gymrat #igfitness #exercise #fitfam #fitfamuk #follow4follow #followme

I'm not ashamed to say that I'm not part of #teamnocalves these bad boys are skinny enough without neglecting to train them. I typically train calves twice a week. One day I'll do 5 sets by 12 reps and the next day I'll do 4 sets of 20 reps. I just rotate this throughout my programming. . . #calfmuscles #calf #irishfitfam #weights #onlinecoach

A serious army of ladies in the gym this evening who all got their rose. This post is intentionally for anyone who needs it today. As a man I still attach the stigma of not talking about my problems and as many know I have struggled somewhat in the past. Even in writing this post I contemplate the difficult decision of putting something out there for all eyes to see. Will I post it? Will I not? Will people laugh or will people snigger? I can still shut down this conversation very quickly but I try not to. For most of my teenage years especially in my later ones, I struggled mentally with Body Dysmorphia. It peaked somewhere between 19 & 20 years old. I’ve come to grips that this is something that may always lurk in the darkness of my mind. Although now its certainly something I have a lot of control over and only very rarely gets at me. Before though it consumed my life to a point I would miss college, stay in bed all day and avoid all human contact. I’m not going to talk too...

That face you make when you finish your last rep of your last set of your deload week and you haven't a balls notion what your coach is giving you next week 😶😶@nickcheadlefitness

Nice knee sleeves brah.... add me on snapchat @teamahf for daily fitness and nutrition advice 👌🏻😊 . . #irishfitfam #squats #kneebrace #snapchat

3 year anniversary workout in my gym tonight. A milestone in my life that as many mistakes I did make or things I could have done better the gym is something I've managed to get half right. I put my business before most things, friends, family, nights out & other social occasions. Shit needs to be done yes....but being busy all the time is a choice. You can choose to be busy and you can choose to spend time with people that matter the most. This year I want to find a better balance. . . #irishfitfam #business #3years

35kg Bench with my number one 👭 I've been sick this week and I started my placement so my nutrition has been abit over the place 😬 But I'll be back counting my macros tomorrow ✔️ Has anyone got any cool food snacks I could bring to work? I was really self conscious this week with bringing my food prep into the lunch room - i couldn't help imagining opening the lid and smelling the whole room out of it 😫😫😫 . . #foodprep #irishfitfam #weights #fitness #weightlifting #lifestyle #girlswholift #bodybuilding #girlswhosquat #legday #fitspiration #healthyliving #motivation #like4like #l4l #workout #fit #instagramfitness #inspire #instalift #gains #strenght #gymrat #igfitness #exercise #fitfam #fitfamuk #follow4follow #followme #benchpress
