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DGS Student Council

Dundalk Grammar School, The Crescent, Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland. , Dundalk, Ireland
Political Organization



Down with the reactionary regime of Jiang-Kai-Reilly!
Down with racism!
Smash irony!
Serve The People!
-- parody page intended to make fun of the spectacle that is the school-sponsored "student council" Dundalk Grammar student revolutionary movement. Seeking to unite pupils into a vanguard to overthrow the US-backed Board Of Management and exercise people's democratic dictatorship over petit-bourgeois elements of the school, with the express intent of eliminating small business owners and small farmers (little more than kulaks with notions) as a class


The Central Committee of the Revolutionary Student Supreme Council wishes all those partaking in the bourgeois state "Leaving Certificate" exams the best of luck.

"Communism is like a fidget spinner, where each side is equal, everything is in balance, and the world lives in perfect harmony" - Chairman Vu, (Taken from 吴主席语录, Chap II "Communism")

Happy Easter from the Central Committee! Do not participate in anti-social drunken behaviour!

Hope you all enjoy you Easter holiday kids


"CHAIRMAN MAO: Our present method of conducting examinations is a method for dealing with the enemy, not a method for dealing with the people. It is a method of surprise attack, asking oblique or strange questions. This is still the same method as the old eight-legged essay. I do not approve of this. It should be changed completely. I am in favour of publishing the questions in advance and letting the students study them and answer them with the aid of books. For instance, if one sets twenty questions on the Dream of the Red Chamber, and some students answer half of them and answer them well, and some of the answers are very good and contain creative ideas, then one can give them 100 per cent. If some other students answer all twenty questions and answer them correctly, but answer them simply by reciting from their textbooks and lectures, without any creative ideas, they should be given 50 or 60 per cent. At examinations whispering into each other’s ears and taking other people’s places ought to be allowed. If your answer is good and I copy it, then mine should be counted as good. Whispering in other people’s ears and taking examinations in other people’s names used to be done secretly. Let it now be done openly. If I can’t do something and you write down the answer, which I then copy, this is all right. Let’s give it a try. We must do things in a lively fashion, not in a lifeless fashion. There are teachers who ramble on and on when they lecture; they should let their students doze off. If your lecture is no good, why insist on others listening to you? Rather than keeping your eyes open and listening to boring lectures, it is better to get some refreshing sleep. You don’t have to listen to nonsense, you can rest your brain instead."

"Because of their lack of experience, quite a number of young people are unable to see the contrast between the old Dundalk Grammar and the new, and it is not easy for them thoroughly to comprehend the hardships our people went through in the struggle to free themselves from the oppression of the rats in the study hall and the lack of central heating, or the long period of arduous work needed before a happy school community with no shortage of sausages in the canteen can be established. That is why we must constantly carry on lively and effective education among the masses and should always tell them the truth about the difficulties that crop up and discuss with them how to surmount these difficulties." - Cyril Drury, 2013

revolt is a neccesaressity

所有反动派都是纸老虎 - 在情绪上,他们是可怕的,但在现实中他们没有那么强大。 我们必须以最大的暴行粉碎管理委员会,因为它也是一只纸老虎。

hello comrades, tomorrow we make event come now

Studying the revolutionary works of Comrade-In-Arms 시릴 드 루리 and planning to apply these lessons in our practical work to unite the broad masses in the struggle against the right-opportunist leadership of the SRC and the revisionist clique that has seized control of DGS.


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