Rafferty Construction Since 1966
Creating living space since 1966. Rafferty Construction is an approved contractor for the home improvement scheme in Ireland. Creating Living Space since 1966
As a family business Rafferty Construction , has been operating in Ireland for over 50 years. Our geographical area cover's Dublin, Louth and Meath. We know the value of superior quality workmanship. punctuality and value for money is to our clients. Our subcontractors are among the best in their fields of work, and they all have the appropriate qualifications and experience which is the key to delivering on quality work. As all our subcontractors have been with us for quite a number of years,their work reflects our attention to detail and our pursuit of quality construction. All our suppliers are also aware of our requirements and know that only the highest quality materials and products will be accepted by Rafferty Contractors.
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If you are Renovating, extending or building a new home in 2017, why not get a quote from us and have a look at our website www.raffertyconstruction.ie or contact Barry on 0872797464 or raffertyconstruction1966@gmail.com
Building/Extending/Renovating with over 40 years experience we would've delighted to give you a free no obligations quote ! Www.raffertyconstruction.ie
Building/Extending/Renovating with over 40 years experience we would've delighted to give you a free no obligations quote ! Www.raffertyconstruction.ie
The weather doesn't know what to be at ? 💦💭☔️🌬⛈
Could I ask you all to share my page and thank you all for the likes it's very much appreciated! Barry
If you are Renovating, extending or building a new home in 2017, why not get a quote from us and have a look at our website www.raffertyconstruction.ie or contact Barry on 0872797464.
Building/Extending/Renovating with over 40 years experience we would've delighted to give you a free no obligations quote !