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AfterWork Dublin

1 Upper Rathmines Rd, Dublin, Ireland
Recreation & Fitness



After work sports, fun and social activities (hiking, snowboarding, climbing and more...), weekend trips out of Dublin..
So you done with your 9 - 5 for the day? Do you feel like you want to do something else, then just going to the same restaurant/pub or sitting in front of telly after work? Do you want to do something outdoors and meet new friends? Join us for after work sports/fun activities. Pick ups and drops offs from the heart of Silicon Docs @Barrow street/Pearse street.
Activities we'll offer this Autumn:
- AfterWork Climbing
- AfterWork Snowboarding/Skiing in Killternan
- AfterWork Night hikes&Johny Foxes pub drinks
- and more
Stay tuned!


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Guinness Udv

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