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Equilibrium Orthopedic and Sports Massage

Coolmine Industrial Estate, Dublin, Ireland
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A Sports and Orthopedic Massage Clinic offering a wide range of manual treatments for musculoskeletal injuries  A sports and orthopedic massage clinic offering a wide range of manual treatments for musculoskeletal injuries.


Suffering from fibromyalgia ?? An interesting read on benefits of massage and myofascial release on fibromyalgia symptoms attached below. Taken from the article: "This study demonstrated that massage-myofascial release therapy reduces the sensitivity to pain at tender points in patients with fibromyalgia, improving their pain perception. Release of fascial restrictions in these patients also reduces anxiety levels and improves sleep quality, physical function, and physical role. Massage-myofascial program can be considered as an alternative and complementary therapy that can achieve transient improvements in the symptoms of these patients." Link to the full article:

Massage therapy is not just a "rub". An interesting article in Cancer Nursing journal: "Effects of Slow-Stroke Back Massage on Symptom Cluster in Adult Patients With Acute Leukemia: Supportive Care in Cancer Nursing", published January 2017.

Keep your quads strong!!!

Always remember that the knee pain treatment is a lot about your own homework! Study shows a significant reduction in knee pain levels with patients' weight loss and weight management:

Thinking that only dry needling will resolve certain types of muscular pain, think twice ... manual pressure is just as effective !!

Struggling to find a suitable last minute Christmas gift? Aren’t we all? Planning to get fit in the new year or need to manage injuries? - Sports/orthopedic massage vouchers for €35 or two for €60 Just want to relax and de-stress? - Holisitic massage vouchers available for €30 euro or two for €50 To purchase vouchers or for any other queries please call: 086 806 3335

Suffer from flat feet? What exactly is Pes Planus or Flat Feet? Adult flatfoot (Pes Planus) is a complex disorder with a diversity of symptoms and various degrees of deformity. Pathology and symptoms are caused by structural loading changes along the medial foot and plantar arch, as well as by the collapse of the midfoot and an impingement along the lateral column and rearfoot . Muscles in the leg and foot tend to fatigue and cramp because of overuse. (from Journal of Ankle and Foot Surgery, Vol. 44, Nr. 2, 2005) For less severe cases a series of exercises can be recommended which strengthen the intrinsic muscles of feet. Some of these exercises are in document attached.

The shoulder is a complex joint with high mobility but a lack of stability. The shoulder joint is particularly susceptible to injury because of very large range of movement that can occur at this joint as well as because of relatively small joint surfaces (in comparison to hip or knee). This means that the joint itself is much less stable and therefore requires a number of strong muscles, tendons and ligaments to enhance the stability. Some of the common shoulder injuries include: - Rotator cuff strain - Glenoid labrum tear - AC joint injuries - Frozen shoulder Attached below is a publication on general shoulder rehabilitation by Athletic Medicine Department at Princeton University:

For all of you with sedentary jobs, stand up and stretch on regular basis during your work day (some of the stretches shown on the diagram included in this post below). “Extended periods of sitting, typically at work, can affect every part of your being,” as reported in related literature, "When you sit for long stretches of time, your body stops working as effectively as it can. The more regular this routine, the higher the risk of developing health problems that are detrimental to your overall health,” experts explain. The list of potential health problems resulting from a sedentary work life range from mental to physical and can last for several years. Mental Problems: Stress, anxiety, exhaustion, depression and disordered sleep. Eye Problems: Eye strain, temporary blurred vision, headaches and migraines. Heart Problems: High blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, stroke, angina and heart attack. Limb Problems: Loss of muscle mass, loss of flexibility, carpal tunnel syndrome and hand/wrist tendinitis. Posture Problems: Loss of flexibility, rotator cuff disease, pulmonary disease and chronic pain in the neck, shoulder, back or hand. Back Problems: Thoracic outlet syndrome, ruptured disks, and pulled or strained muscles/ligaments. Gut Problems: Weight gain, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and impaired libido. So get up, walk and stretch !!

Why is pelvis so important ?? In short, the pelvis is a "meeting" place, supporting the legs, the spine, the abdomen and the lower back and thus the whole body, and providing the foundation for good posture. Furthermore, the pelvis is a host to a myriad of important internal organs. Lack of circulation in the pelvic area will pose problems for the prostate, bladder, ovaries, uterus, large intestine, small intestine, and all the organs in the pelvic area.Thus, tight pelvis might affect digestion, elimination, and reproductive functions. This is a great info on pelvis stabilization exercises and hip region strengthening. Easy to do at home. Enjoy !!

I am happy to finally have my page up and running. Equilibrium Orthopedic and Sports Massage Clinic offers a wide range of manual treatments of various musculoskeletal injuries. The treatments include: - sports massage - orthopedic massage - holisitic massage - kinesiology taping - trigger points - muscle energy techniques plus many more. Please keep an eye on this page for special offers and useful tips and information.


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