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Drumcondra Baby Massage

Nest childcare and Montessori, 27 Upper Drumcondra Road, Dublin 9, Dublin, Ireland
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Baby Massage & Baby Yoga Classes in Drumcondra Learn to massage your baby in a warm, cosy, baby friendly environment.
Meet local parents, make new friends, chance to share experiences
1 hour Baby Massage followed by our precious ''Mommy(and Daddy) Time'' Friendly chat with other parents with yummy  homemade treats

Baby Massage is suitable form birth to pre-crawling

Benefits of Baby Massage for you and your baby:

    Benefits For Your Baby
♥  Develops a bond with your baby
♥  Helps your baby to feel loved
♥  Relief from teething pains
♥  Helps relieve wind, colic & reflux
♥  Helps your baby sleep better
♥  Teaches baby how to relax
♥  Aids digestion
♥  Builds up the immune system
♥  Promotes physical development
♥  Feelings of love, respect, and being valued
♥  Improves muscle tone & growth

    Benefits for Parents
♥  Provides close & nurturing contact
♥  Quality one-to-one time with baby
♥  Meet other new parents
♥  Helps reduce postnatal depression
♥  Improved confidence
♥  Learn to understand baby’s cues
♥  Bond with your baby
♥  Enhances early communication
♥  Relaxation

You will learn to massage your baby by following your instructor who will be demonstrating o a doll

Baby massage is an incredible tool for effectively relieving constipation, excess wind, fussiness and colic, and it is the most natural thing in the world.
Baby massage is a really special way to spend some lovely one to one time with your little one in those early months. It gives you the opportunity to get out of the house, to meet other parents but also to learn to massage your baby using techniques to stimulate, sooth and calm.
Baby massage may help your baby to sleep better, reduce crying and relieve problems such as wind, colic, constipation and reflux. It can also help reduce post-natal depression.
Infant massage encompasses and supports all the vital aspects of bonding. Delayed bonding may occur due to situations such as premature birth, recovery from caesarean, medical complications, adoption, lack of physical and emotional support and postnatal depression. In these cases, infant massage can help families recreate the elements of bonding, which may help a parent and baby fall in love with each other. Baby Massage may be helpful in encouraging the connection between parent and child as children grow. Some families have found that massaging their baby is particularly helpful in enhancing the bond with children with special needs.
Baby massage gives fathers a chance to connect and interact with their child on a deeper level than the usual day-to-day contact might provide. Fathers are always welcome in infant massage classes.

Baby Massage is a fun way to meet with other local parents who are also going through the ups and downs parenting, my classes are very relaxed and baby friendly which gives parents and caregivers a chance to share experiences and support.


Our last baby massage class tomorrow at The Nest..we will be in new premises after the summer break

Looking forward to our Drumcondra Baby Massage Graduation

New Whitehall Baby Massage Classes...Course Fee reclaimable!

♡♡ It's the 2nd week of our 5 week Drumcondra Baby Massage Course "Tummy Massage Thursday" Helping relieve the pain of gas..trapped wind..Colic & Reflux.. ♡♡


NEAR Drumcondra Baby Massage