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121 Pace Road, Littlepace, Dublin, Ireland
Grocery Store




Good morning, I want to let you know that I'm back in Ireland. My first dayof trade it will be Wednesday in Stillorgan Shoping Center. Thank you and see you soon!

About Rapeseed honey: Rapeseed honey aka rape honey, perfect for your ulcer diet! Crystallization: Rape honey crystallizes very fast in a fine-crystalline texture. At higher temperatures (more than 25° C) the crystallization is slowed down. Antibacterial potency, type of antibacterial activity: low to high. With both peroxide and non peroxide activity (compared to all honeys it is considered of an Intermediate Activity) Therapeutic applications: • Sedative, relaxing • A positive effect of honey on hepatitis A patients was found after ingestion of clover and rape honey, causing a decrease of alanine aminotranferase activity (by 9 to 13 times) and of bilirubin production by 2.1 to 2.6 times. • Ulcer healing: rape pollen is successfully used to heal ulcers, in folk medicine. Rape honey is the most accepted and the best for the stomach, as it contains few acids (according to Renate Frank). • Rapeseed honey is recommended for curing kidney health problems and soothes Hay-fever symptoms. • Rape plant oil, contain Q3, an element extremely important for bone development. For this reason rape honey is used to treat osteoporosis. It also helps the regeneration and elasticity maintenance of vascular walls. • Rape honey consumption protects the liver, the spleen and the pancreas from various diseases. Rapeseed honey - 5 euro/250 g jar – 12 euro/ 950 g jar Free delivery in Dublin for orders bigger than 20 euro! Please check the pictures and the other bees products that we have. Thank you and have a nice day!


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