Centra Kilmore
Centra Kilmore is an established retailer in the community of Kilmore West. We provide all of the essentials in grocery and fresh foods. Centra Kilmore is an established retailer in the community of Kilmore West, North Dublin.
We provide all of the essentials in grocery, freshly baked goods and a full, fresh deli counter with hot and cold foods.
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facebook.comDiscovery sports bag only €17 perfect for sunny days out😄☀️☀️
Discovery shoulder bag only €9 be fast as we're running low😄
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Large selection of cadburys eggs 3 for €5🍫😋
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A tray of eggs for the kiddies😄 6 pack of kinder surprise eggs only €5
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Thorntons Harry Hopalot Chocolate Bunny only €6😄
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💕 MOTHERS DAY💕 Roses carton half price Centra luxury cupcakes €4 Centra queen cakes €2.50 Lots more special offers in store😄
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💕 MOTHERS DAY💕 Don't forget this Sunday the 26th of March is Mother's Day! Why not pop in and pick up some of the lovely gifts on offer this week😍
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Our delicious high protein dinners are 3 for €10😄
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We found this runner in store today if anyone owns it pop in we have it behind the till😄
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Christmas opening hours🎅🏽😊
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Nestle sweet tubes only €2.00 Perfect stocking filler🎅🏽
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toffifee Christmas pack only €6.00🎅🏽