UCD Business Alumni Singapore
We aspire to bring together our Alumni in Singapore, to enable them to connect with each other and access opportunities in Singapore and overseas.
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facebook.comFollowing the huge success of the EMBA team representing Smurfit at the John Molson MBA International Case Competition at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, we thought it would be interesting to delve deeper into what the competition is all about and how our team came out on top!
Excellent article by Rosa Chun published in the Harvard Business Review “Samsung, Shame, and Corporate Atonement” Read the article here: http://bit.ly/2rZ2ylo
Get a Taste of the MSc in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Design at our Breakfast Lecture on Wed 5 April at the Institute of Banking. This unique course allows you to create your own tech start-up while earning a Master's at UCD Smurfit School. Find out more and register your place: http://hubs.ly/H06Nf1y0
Registration is now open for The Irish Times Innovation Awards 2017. UCD Smurfit School are pleased to be supporting these awards and sponsoring the IT and Telecommunications category. Nominate your business today at http://bit.ly/1Whpq7u
Open Evening (MBA & Evening Part-time Masters)
Come to UCD Smurfit Schools Open Evening to learn how our programmes could enhance your career prospects. 8 March
UCD Business Alumni - September 2016
September eConnections are now available. Check it out for all the latest news, interviews and upcoming events.