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Archdiocese of Dublin

Diocesan Offices, Archbishop’s House, Drumcondra, Ireland
Religious Organization



Welcome to the official  facebook page of the Archdiocese of Dublin where you can keep up to date with all of our latest news and current events. Dublin is one of the largest Dioceses in Ireland with 199 parishes. The entire county of Dublin forms a substantial part of the Diocese along with most of Wicklow, considerable parts of Kildare in addition to sections of Carlow, Wexford and Laois.


The Encounter - a young adult event with live acoustic music, reflective prayer in adoration and guest speakers discussing life, faith and purpose. Tonight, Friday 19 January in St. Paul’s Church, Arran Quay at 8:00 pm.

Leaders of 10 Christian denominations together in Johnstown Parish in Dublin this evening to mark the start of Christian Unity week 2018

Tallaght Churches Together present ‘What’s so amazing about Grace?’ in the Church of St. Thomas the Apostle, Jobstown. A ten session investigation of GRACE beginning at 7.30pm today, the first day of Christian Unity Week.

"We pray to God for the courage to ask forgiveness and to learn how to listen to what he is saying to us."

Resources for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2018 are available at The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is observed from the 18th to 25th January 2018.

"If we fail to suffer with those who suffer, even those of different religions, languages or cultures, we need to question our own humanity" - Pope Francis

‘Flu season & the Sign of Peace - advice from the Dublin Diocesan Liturgical Resource Centre Given the increase in the numbers of people affected by influenza in recent weeks, it is opportune to remind ourselves of sensible practices. It is good to remember that those with ‘flu symptoms are dispensed from their Sunday obligation to attend Mass. Those who are confined to home when ill can honour the Lord’s Day by praying along with the Mass broadcast by Parish Radio, on Parish webcams (live from the Pro Cathedral via, on Sunday Morning by RTE Radio on Long Wave 252 Khz (RTE1 television often broadcast Mass on Sunday mornings also). It is good practice to supply tissues and hand gels at church liturgies and gatherings, particularly for anyone distributing Holy Communion, with bins for disposal of used tissues. Make sure all hard surfaces that are frequently touched, such as door handles, handrails and taps are cleaned regularly with a household detergent or antiseptic wipes. In times of previous ‘flu alerts the Health Service Executive stated: “Shaking hands while exchanging the ‘Sign of Peace’ involves a low risk of spreading the virus.” If some parishioners still feel uncomfortable about shaking hands at the Sign of Peace, help them to understand that they are very welcome to wish others the Peace of Christ without hand contact (with a smile or a bow).

STATEMENT OF ARCHBISHOP DIARMUID MARTIN ON THE DEATH OF MR PETER SUTHERLAND R.I.P. The Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, has expressed his sympathy to the wife and family of the late Peter Sutherland. Mr Sutherland had been, for a number of years, an advisor to the Vatican’s Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See and was also President of the Geneva-based International Catholic Committee of Migration. Archbishop Martin said that Peter Sutherland was generous in giving financial support and expert advice to many Church institutions on a national and international level. “He was a man of deep faith and a devoted Catholic but also one who was critical when necessary. He worked to ensure greater transparency in the administration of the Vatican’s financial system. He reformed the International Catholic Committee of Migration and brought it into good working commission with the United Nation’s bodies”. Archbishop Martin added: “Peter Sutherland was tireless in carrying out his mission as Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations for Migration even in a period when his health was failing. The quality, the passion and the commitment of his work for refugees and migrants was fruit of a genuine conviction of his faith, reflecting the dignity of every human person and the fundamental unity of the human family”.

Congratulations from Dublin Diocese to Monsignor Dermot Farrell who was appointed today as the new Bishop of Ossory.

“Migrants, refugees, and those who are homeless, disturb us. Their plight touches us. They touch us not just because of our own history but because they alert us to something deep within all of us, the desire for a life, for a better life, a more promising future.” - Mgr Lorcan O Brien at Mass to celebrate World Day of Peace 2018

Archbishop Martin celebrates Mass for World Day of Peace 2018 in the Church of the Sacred Heart, Donnybrook
