Therapy with a difference!
Working with experience, skill, integrity and passion to bring out the best in all people. Full Life Therapy offers a fresh new approach to counselling and people care with a diverse selection of therapy options to suit individuals, couples, families. Including stimulating workshops, seminars and groups for private and corporate groups.
Our achievable methods are immersed in care, compassion, support and encouragement delivered by professional, experienced therapists adept at bringing out your personal strengths, learning new skills and taking significant steps towards a rich full life in spite of life's difficulties.
We are delighted to provide you with a selection of appointment options to suit your needs.
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facebook.comWhat Does It Mean to Be a Spiritual Person?
People often confuse spirituality with religion! We can be both spiritual & religious, but it is also possible to be religious without being spiritual'. Who we are as humans is made up of Body, Mind and Spirit. Our lives seem to assume a default position and focus and feed our minds and bodies automatically. But what of our Spiritual dimension? Often we just leave this aspect of who we are out, misunderstand and neglect it. For some, Spirituality has been modelled by hierarchies, churches, institutions or sects. It has often meant rules, regulations, power, control or manipulation etc., For others - their religious education or upbringing, the church crimes against humanity, has left a sour taste about anything to do with spirituality so we just leave out this vital component of our identity. Full Life Therapy values the spiritual component of our human identity. We offer Pastoral Counselling and Spiritual direction to help you reconnect with a loving God, a wholesome love of self and others. Contact 083 855 9589 or If you like what we do, please like & share our FB page.
The Suicide Epidemic
Most often the human cry for happiness and meaning is also a plea for love; to be loved and to love authentically. It is also a cry for inner adjustment and connected-ness with others from a heart that feels deprived of life-giving relationships. This interesting article is worthy of our attention. It is not just in the US that the Epidemic of Suicide is rampant. It is a global symptom and the catalyst is dis-connection. At Full Life Therapy we value our work with people whose lives have unravelled - for whatever reason. We are here to help you get through the 'mess' and back on the path towards becoming fully alive! W M 083 855 9589 E
Timeline Photos
As we begin another year, and the busyness of 2016 Christmas & New Year has subsided, Full Life Therapy would like to wish all our local and international community and friends a deeply rewarding, fulfilling 2017. Most of us don't stop to consider what dominates our thinking or maybe do not recognise the importance of reflecting on what thoughts are taking up space in our minds. Are our thoughts positive, negative, fearful, joyful, hopeful, purposeful or futile and full of discontent? If our future is determined largely by our thoughts, taking time to recognise what takes up most of our thoughts, is vitally important. Self reflection and our ruthless honesty will help us begin to activate new, genuine and positive thoughts that lead to a more enriching way of thinking that leads to a life filled with hope and purpose. If our thoughts are settled on the negative, past let downs, circumstances out of our control, what we 'can't have' or loss - then life will be dull, lack lustre and full of bitterness, regret and self-recrimination. Our inner beauty will be dulled and enthusiasm about ourselves and our future will become non existent. These thoughts make it extremely difficult to see a future of possibilities, the good, the different, the solution side of life. In order to genuinely enjoy this one life we do have, we need to choose another pattern of thinking that does lead to a rich full life. It can be done!
Timeline Photos
I wonder how many of us perceive failure or what it means to fail? It is said to mean an unsuccessful person or thing. (Dictionary states: a loser, born loser, incompetent, non-achiever, underachiever, ne'er-do-well, disappointment, write-off). Harsh words indeed for a person who has either done the best they could or not bothered doing their best because they were unable to meet the expectations of a person, household, school or workplace. I have never met anyone who wanted to or set out to fail. If I am honest I can declare that I have been an outstanding failure as i reflect on the times I failed well in spite of my best efforts! Sound familiar? But, it has been these times of angst, heartache, embarassment or humiliation that I have actually found wings to fly and eventually soar above the debris of these 'perceived failures.' If we look at many great men and women who failed greatly during their lives, we learn how it led them onto finer, greater things. (Nelson Mandela, Ghandi, JK Rowlings, Steve Jobs, Jesus Christ, Richard Branson to name a few). Full Life Therapy believes that great character can be forged out of failure. We empower people who are facing challenges in their lives, to be resilient, persistent, and constantly looking to learn from mistakes. True failure is not the falling down but the staying down and a fresh start can be attained at any moment we choose - the choice is ours, however.
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Imagine living a life that is full of goodness, joy, peace and purpose, where you live with integrity and hope. Where there is no emotional upheaval. Where you can do what you love without judgement or fear of what others will think. Where you can speak the truth with grace and enjoy the company of people who care about you and each other. Does this sound like you - your life? Are these things impossible for you to attain or is it something you live out each day? Today is the day that we can live - fully! “Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day.” This can be our reality - but the choice is ours! We are here to help you 'go for it' with this one life you do have. Take the first or contact 0838559589. We will be delighted to help you achieve this reality.
Photos from Full Life Therapy's post
Sometimes the busyness of our lives can be overwhelming. Stress, demands and exhaustion can become the 'norm'. As a young (er) mum there were times that I would fall into bed at night and wonder how I was going to fit it all in again the next day. At this time 2 teenagers were preparing to complete High School, work/ business and financial pressures were overwhelming, caring for an aging parent with accelerating dementia and more .... life was hectic. The stress was often palpable. Looking back on this time, I cringe. There was no quality time spent with anyone - just ongoing frantic busyness. For this reason Full Life Therapy developed a weekend away for women to chill, refresh and revitalise far from the madding crowd. There is so much pressure on women to perform. Increasing work demands plus home life and family responsibilities often causes guilt, unrealistic expectations of self and a loss of authentic identity. Is it time to consider a break from the fast paced, frantic and often exhausting to attend a weekend away? This is a special time that we have carved out just for you- to stop, refresh and rejuvenate on the beautiful Dingle Peninsula. Women can expect nourishment for the body, mind and spirit amid the awe inspiring beauty in this region. Hotel accommodation and all meals will be included for these weekends. Check our website /contact 083 855 9589
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Have you noticed that our lives can go on from one season to the next without much disruption? All seems ok. Then, all of a sudden it seems you are on a roller coaster. You want to get off but can't! Stuff happens - a relationship ends, friend/s lets you down, lose your job, depression won't lift, car accident, loss of income, drinking is out of control, lose custody of kids, an aging parent dies....Stuff happens! Life is difficult and often more complicated than we want it to be. Full Life Therapy, Co Kerry will help you through the tough times and get your life back - fully! Contact us or 0838559589
Full Life Therapy - Counselling and Supportive Therapies in Co Kerry. Based in Dingle Peninsula, serving Co Kerry. Full Life Therapy provides a fresh approach to skilled helping with professional counsellors who care and support while offering that safe, confidential space to be heard. Join us and start the process of becoming fully alive - go to our website and take the first step to get the help, support and encouragement you need to thrive.
Full Life Therapy in West Kerry is now open! Our new community based counselling and therapeutic support service is based on the beautiful Dingle Peninsula. We will be offering 4 clientele FREE first consultations for the month of September. To win your place please visit our website]com and go to our contact page. Email or Text our mobile your contact details to gain your free session. We hope you like and share this exciting new venture with your friends and organisations.
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Offer the gift of therapy to your loved one, friend or family member. Gift Certificates available from our website
Full Life Therapy is coming to the Kingdom of Kerry! It is a fresh approach to counselling and supportive therapies which will provide you with all the tools necessary to achieve a rich full life! There is enjoyment to experience in our life adventure, bringing great joy and satisfaction along the way!