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Rathlir Farm

Tullabrack West, Cooraclare, Kilrush, Cuar an Chláir, Ireland



Organic farm over 30 acres -
woods, apple, soft/top fruit, polytunnels, cattle, lamb, hens/eggs.
Our own little piece of 'heaven' in West Clare,




So this spring we are regularly adding new Retailers to our list of organic egg stockists. Our organic eggs are now available in all SuperValu stores in Clare as well as the SuperValu Co-op store in Tipperary town. We are also in the Centra store in Kilmihill as well as a growing list of independent outlets in the region like the Urban Co-op in Limerick city and the Cheese Press in Ennistymon. We will be opening new listings for our eggs over the coming months and hope to offer other organic farm products later this year - including apples, raspberries and other fruit, potatoes and other veggies. Plus a few surprises.... At the farm our hens are settling into their new henhouse nicely and are exploring their larger protected forage with keen interest. We have also installed a couple of field cabins for new poultry later this year. We are starting in on construction of our new walipini and plan to have this completed in time for.... Don't forget out 10th organic year garden party in july (14/7 In honour of our many French wwoofers this year). SO, if you haven't visited our farm yet, why not drop in this summer....

Margot's Home. Down the lane the ragwort grows, The thatch reeds sway and the hedgerow glows. The road steers round the fairy ring, The foxes bark and the nettles sting. Down the lane the sallys grow free And the birds crowd into the singing tree. The old stone glistens with morning dew And the robin pops in to see what’s new. Down the lane the bees delight Whilst the dragonflies dizzy in to the night. The grass stands tall on track and field And the blackberries grow their autumn yield. Down the lane the butterflies dance, The wild flowers blossom and the brambles prance. The barn door creaks and the washing line cracks As rain clouds gather behind the chimney stacks. Down the lane see the little girls run And giggle and shout at all the fun As the sheepdog pulls at the lead in their hand And the cat pads behind looking oh so grand. Down the lane the woman smiles Lighting the crow’s feet round her eyes. The hearth is warmed by acrid turf And the black dog’s barks drown out the surf. Down the lane is Margôt’s home, A farmstead where her kids can roam. It’s a song that warms her heart and soul - Her safe harbour and reflecting bowl. Author's copyright: Mark R Wilson-Pierce

A new twist on playing possum...

Emma arrived last night:) Children already out and our dog has gone awol

2017 what a blast.... You know when you keep chipping away at something but the job is huge and you never seem to make any progress? Well 2017 was our turning point. Indeed; things are so busy here that i am only now writing this brief review! We finally topped out our new hen house! Major landmark step... We trebled the size of our chick-rearing station - and took delivery of our first new batch of day-old chicks to fill it right at the end of the year. Our apple trees gave their first fruit. We got back to growing again. Our berries just disappeared - red fingered children were seen running away. Our turkeys continued their popularity. We gained new retail customers for our eggs and kept most of our direct customers (some just switched to buying in the shops). Our major landscaping projects from 2016 continued to settle nicely. Our wwoofers were industrious and such great company. We enlisted the help of a master horticulturalist to organise our gardens. We planted hedgerows and finished thinning our hardwood trees. We sold the last of our cattle! We made new friends and welcomed new visitors. We are 10 years with our full organic license in June 2018. We are planning to celebrate with our second garden party: why not join us and see what has been happening "down the lane"?

10th year organic farming garden party

Here is our latest addition to the rathlir menagerie... Still being worked on by local artist Krisztina Benko. Ready soon, she will be installed in her new home by Easter. Let's hope the great weather continues. We haven't decided on a name yet...

So this is our mardi gras display in our newest listing: supervalu killaloe.





NEAR Rathlir Farm