The Keynes Centre at UCC
We are Ireland’s focal point for personal professional transformation and organisational development through the unique Transformative Thinking approach.
We are a business research facility which provides integrated personal and professional development programmes for senior executives and aspiring executives who want more than conventional information-downloading programmes.
The Centre has an experienced international team of academic and business practitioners who will help individuals and organisations become more effective in leadership for growth, competitiveness, management, and relationships through the unique Transformative Thinking approach.
Led by Professor Connell Fanning, Head of UCC’s School of Economics, this approach was developed and successfully applied in UCC’s Executive MBA and DBA programmes for business practitioners for many years and to wide acclaim.
The Centre’s team is now bringing this approach to practitioners in the business, state and social sectors through co-designed and tailor-made Development Programmes including Special Events, Book Club, Multimedia Resources, and Practitioner-oriented Research.
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facebook.comTotalitarianism in the age of Trump: lessons from Hannah Arendt
Worth a read Zoe Williams' article about Totalitarianism, Trump and lessons from #HannahArendt for The Guardian:
Keynes's economic theory voted most influential academic book on British life
“I believe myself to be writing a book on economic theory, which will largely revolutionise – not, I suppose, at once but in the course of the next few years – the way the world thinks about economic problems.” Letter from #JohnMaynardKeynes to #BernardShaw
John Maynard Keynes: The Lives of a Mind
Happy 135th Birthday #VirginiaWoolf! Visit Chapter 3 of our E-book for more about this great mind and her friendship with #JohnMaynardKeynes:
The Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and the Humanities at Bard College
Worth reading...
Blog | How Climate of Opinion Guides our Thinking
As you watch #Trump #Inauguration read our piece about the dangers of #ClimateofOpinion and its effect in our thinking
Virtual Reading Group
We not only take part but also strongly recommend this Reading Group...
Timeline Photos
Great #FilmClub session last night about this inspiring woman + how every little detail in the film influences how we feel about the characters.
A Good Read from a Good Reader - The Keynes Centre at UCC
Looking for a Good Holiday Read? Read in our blog our thoughts on Andy O'Mahony's 'Creating Space':
When Big Ideas Go Bad
Interesting article from the Chronicle of Higher Education
Keynesian economics: is it time for the theory to rise from the dead?
Is it time for #JohnMaynardKeynes to rise from the dead?
Blog | Trump, Brexit: How to Think about the Unprecedented
Trump, Brexit: How to Think about the Unprecedented? Time to Experiment with #HannahArendt ideas? University College Cork The Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and the Humanities at Bard College
Timeline Photos
One of the greatest minds to think with: #HannahArendt...thank you Mary Byrne for sharing this with us