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Juventutem Corcaigh

SS Peter & Paul's Church, SS Peter and Paul's Place, Cork, Ireland
Religious Organization



Juventutem is a Catholic network fostering the sanctification of the youths worldwide according to the Roman traditions of the Church.


Hi there folks, Blessed Easter Days to all of you. Our next event is on this Easter Friday's "Mass & Social" for the 8th amendment. Details in the picture below. If anyone would like to give us a helping hand by making or baking something for the Social part you are more than welcome. There will also be a Theology on Tap the following Monday on "Providence", NOT today though. Christ bless you and see you all soon!

Hi there folks, The upcoming events: PRAYER AND PINT: Sunday 8pm, back at the Mercy Hospital Chapel. If you have any specific prayer requests, let me (Patrick E. McCormick) know and we'll include them. THEOLOGY ON TAP: Monday 7:15pm, back at the Dominican's Center. This time with Fr. McCarthy on "Moral Conscience". Thanks to Fr. Damien Lynch for last week's Theology on Tap talk. ------------------------------------------ Below you can find the mass schedule for Holy Week at SS Peter and Paul's. Have a blessed Holy Week everyone and see you soon! 😇🙏

Hi there folks, The next events! - This Sunday: "Rosary at the Mass Rock" instead of our usual Prayer and Pint. Starting at 2:30pm at the Ballyshoneen Mass Rock. We'll be joining Fr. Damien Lynch's parish with Fr. Patrick Kimball and his parish there too. Prayers for the Mass Rock event: If you need a lift from the city, just send us a message. --------------------------------------------- - This coming Monday: "Theology on Tap" w. Fr. Damien. Where he will continue his talk/discussion on the sacraments with Confirmation. At the Dominican Center, 7:15pm. - Let us know what topics you want to hear discussed at Theology on Tap: See you soon + God bless! 😇

Easter Friday. First Class Feast. White Vestments. The Gospel Reading for Easter Friday is The Great Commission as recorded by the Evangelist, St Matthew, 28:16–20: Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” As has already been stated, in anticipation of the upcoming referendum on the Eighth Amendment, Juventutem Corcaigh will have this Mass offered for the protection of the unborn, and that Irish citizens will recognise and fight the terrible evil of abortion. Confessions can be heard from 7:40pm and Rosary starts at 7:40pm. Mass starts at 8pm, and missals are available in Latin - English and Latin - Spanish. At the social afterwards, there will be food and drink, after which we will move onto a nearby pub about 10pm.

Hi there folks, T'was a busy, but joyous weekend. Mass and Social on Friday went really well, with both the choir and the altar server number steadily growing. Thank you for that. Thanks also to the people who made or baked for the social, it was delicious! 😋 Then on Saturday: Fantastic turn out at the Pro Life Rally in Dublin. And even though our bus stopped unexpectedly for an hour, we made it in time to join the 100.000 other Pro-Lifers there. ---------------------------------------- NEXT EVENT: Today! Theology on Tap! At the Dominican Center, 7:15pm Where we'll discuss another interesting (say controversial topic 😏): "Why Contraception kills Charity" Thanks to all and God bless! 😇 P.S.: Thanks to Fr. Eamon Roche for last weeks Theology on Tap on "Church and State".

Hi there folks, The next MASS AND SOCIAL is coming up this Friday, 9th of March. Details and previous event pics are below! fb event: As mentioned before these next Masses will be offered up for the 8th amendment. ----------------------------------------------------------- The next Theology on Tap will be on this Monday (5th) at 7:15pm, Dominican Center with Fr Eamon Roche on the "Relationship between Church and State". God bless and see ye all soon! 😇👍

In anticipation of the upcoming referendum on the Eighth Amendment, Juventutem Corcaigh has arranged that it's monthly Masses for March, April and May will be offered for the protection of the unborn, and that Irish citizens will recognise and fight the terrible evil of abortion.

Hi there folks, EVENTS UPDATE! Sunday: Prayer and Pint at 8pm, Mercy Hospital Chapel Monday: Theology on Tap w. Fr McCarthy, Dominican Center next to St. Mary's. (next) Saturday: Daytrip to Goleen, West Cork, let us know who wants to join, cars will be available. See you soon & God bless! ☘️ P.S.: Thanks to Fr Komerowski for last weeks ToT.

Mass of the Friday after the Third Sunday in Lent (Quadragesima)


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