Classes for pre-school aged children incorporating music, dance, drama & sport. We provide Pre-Schools & Creches with activity classes on a weekly basis. We also have classes 3 x per week at Womens Fitness Cork - where Mum can drop off her little ones & go for a workout herself!
Each week there is a different theme and activity with hand-made costumes, puppets, music & poems.
Tell your friends
facebook.comOH NO!!! ONLY A FEW PLACES LEFT!! IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE THAT WANTED TO BOOK TELL THEM TO DO IT THIS WEEK!!!! CAMP A - July 3/4 - Little Stars Pre-School, Frankfield (FEW PLACES LEFT!) CAMP B - July 10/11 - Watergrass Hill Arts Centre (*6 PLACES LEFT!) CAMP C - July 17/18 - MY Place, Midleton (FEW PLACES LEFT!) CAMP D - July 24/24- MY Place, Midleton (SOLD OUT!) CAMP E - July 31/Aug 1 - Small Ones Pre-School, Saleen (FEW PLACES LEFT!) Perfect for 3-5 yr olds! Dance, drama, music, sport, yoga, arts & crafts. Each camp is 10am-2pm and is €40 (siblings €30). Email: or Text: 0862446433 with your choice of camp and we'll tell you how to pay a deposit!
Quick update on the mini Camps for you....Midleton on 24/25 July is now sold out! Only a few places left at the other venues so if you were thinking of booking now is your chance! Enjoy the sun 🌞
Mini Camps are back this Summer........ CAMP A - July 3/4 - Little Stars Pre-School, Frankfield CAMP B - July 10/11 - Watergrass Hill Arts Centre CAMP C - July 17/18 - MY Place, Midleton CAMP D - July 24/24- MY Place, Midleton CAMP E - July 31/Aug 1 - Small Ones Pre-School, Saleen Perfect for 3-5 yr olds! Dance, drama, music, sport, yoga, arts & crafts. Each camp is 10am-2pm and is €40 (siblings €30). Email: or Text: 0862446433 with your choice of camp and we'll tell you how to pay a deposit!
**WE ARE LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO JOIN OUR TEAM IN CORK!!** Are you full of fun and energy? Would you like to work part-time for Kinderama? It would help if you have experience either working with pre-schoolers or teaching dance/drama. It's essential that you have your own car! You must be computer literate (Excel/Word). Oh and we need you for at least a year! Please share this on your own page - maybe someone you know fancies a new challenge! You can email for more details. We can't wait to hear from you
Anyone else finding it difficult to get their little people to go to bed now it's lighter in the evenings???!!! My 3 year old keeps saying "But it's still sunny!!!" I think the black out blinds will have to be found!!!🌞
A reminder of how important it is to say thank you! V inspirational ❤️
Something to be aware of....
Donna, one of our lovely teachers in Cork, had a beautiful baby girl on Wednesday and they have called her Amber! We wanted to share this lovely news with you....she's a cutie!
**starting at Fitnessworx this week** Drop your child into a class while you attend a class/train! Mon & Fri 9.30-10.30... Contact reception to book!
Starting at Fitnessworx from 7th November.....Classes on Monday and Friday mornings! Drop your little ones to a class while you go and train....perfect!