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Cork Samaritans

7 Coach Street, Cork, Ireland
Public & Government Service



We all need help from time to time, not someone to tell you what to do, but to acknowledge what you’re going through. Ring us anytime on 116 123. The Cork Branch of the Samartians is one of the busiest centres in Ireland. It is also the second largest. The branch opened its doors September 1972 and now has almost 200 active volunteers of all ages from college students, middle aged to retired people.

This facebook page cannot provide any support directly. If you need support, you contact the Samaritans in these ways:

Phone us on 116 123 or email us or write to us: Samaritans, 7/8 Coach Street, Cork, Ireland

You can also call into us from 9am- 10pm every day in our centre on 7/8 Coach Street, Cork, Ireland


"Shortest day, Longest night. Whatever you are going through, your life is worth talking about." Join us for Grand Parade in Cork (at 8pm) for a candlelight ceremony to remember all those who died (and were affected) by suicide in 2017. Our volunteers will be there before and after the ceremony in order to make more people aware of our round the clock support service. All are welcome.

Did you know a little small talk can be all it takes to interrupt someone’s suicidal thoughts? It’s built on a simple ask: that if you think somebody might need help, trust your instincts and strike up a conversation. You could help save a life. Call us anytime for free on 116123

Cork Branch is open 24 hours for telephone and text and from 9am to 10pm for people to drop in.

Please watch and share. Thank you

A fantastic achievement! So proud to be associated with you and thanks for promoting positive mental health in the club and community.

Much thanks to Cronin's Pub & Deja Vu Quartet for organising this event. Please support if you can.

This is really lovely. Please share

Volunteers from Cork Samaritans and Shine A Light Suicide Awareness taking part in their fundraiser in Blackpool Shopping Centre.

Samaritan volunteers will be there tonight to support Shine a Light.

This coming bank holiday weekend, 27-29 October, Samaritan volunteers will be providing face-to-face emotional support on the streets of Cork during the Guinness Cork Jazz Festival. The volunteers will be in place at 9.30pm, Fri 27th on Grand Parade, to listen and offer support to anyone who may need it. As always we are available, round the clock, on freephone 116 123.


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