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The PassivHaus Architecture Company

23 The Rise, Bishopstown, Cork, Ireland
Professional Service



Zero-carbon architecture for businesses, places of work and commerce


Passive House in Cork granted planning permission Our Ballygarvan Passivhaus project has had a positive planning decision. This passive house design, is an extremely compact form which makes passive house compliance much easier and reduces construction cost. There are very few complex junctions with difficult thermal details to resolve. If y

RIAI Practice Membership 2017 renewed We are delighted to confirm renewal of our professional registration as a practice on the RIAI register. We look forward to another year with very exciting projects in progress, with many imminent announcements on; tender results for our Castlemartyr office conversion airtightness results on our Glasheen Road Enerphit passive house completion of our own mixed-use home/office premises… [ 54 more words ]

Registration is now open for the third and most critical visit to Glasheen Road EnerPhit project. WIndows are installed and airtightness will have been ongoing for three weeks, with a test result on the horizon. If you wish to attend, fill out the form below and email back to me please.

My grandparent's house Tower Lodge in Waterford was my maternal grandparent's house. My earliest memories are of this house, rather than my own, possible because it was so different, being an old building, but aloso because all the memories are happy one of family gatherings, summer holiday trips. Before it was sold recently, I took the opportunity to visit one last time, and photograph it, so that I, and my family would have a record of this wonderful home. [ 26 more words ]

PHAI (Passive House Association of Ireland) Southern Chapter site visits As part of the PHAI Southern Region programme of CPD in passivhaus building knowledge, members have kindly agreed to open their building projects for site visits as a learning resource for builders, architects, students, systems installers and potential clients. The first such building project has commenced on site in Cork City. [ 193 more words ]

Valuing your service and charging for it – Tuesday 7 June Paul McNally of the PassivHaus Architecture Company will be presenting to members of the RIAI on the system we have developed for guiding clients through the initial contact to getting a project securely started on a sound financial footing. Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 Time: 08:30am - 11:00 Location: RIAI, 8 Merrion Square , Dublin 2 Cost: RIAI Member €75, RIAI Practice Members €65 per session For further information and booking contact the RIAI here We are delighted to announce our presentation of our work to out North American colleagues at conference in New York this June. The Third Annual North American Passive House Network Conference & Expo will be held June 13th and 14th, 2016, in New York City: Featuring state-of-the-art building strategies, components and professional development necessary for us to decarbonize by 2050, the #1 public policy goal of our time. [ 239 more words. ]


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