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The Yogaloft Monahan Road, Cork, Ireland
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Sinéad De hÓra - Crystal/Metaphysical/Divine Feminine workshops. Net of Light meetings.Therapies- Crystal/ANCHI therapy/Sekhem/Rahanni/IET Sinéad De hÓra - Crystal/Metaphysical/Divine Feminine workshops. Net of Light meetings.Therapies- Crystal/ANCHI therapy/ Energywork with Ascended Masters & Archangels.. see website for details


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AZURITE ‘Toward the night sky’ On the cool peaceful nights that we gaze starwards, we are inherently connected with the mystical within us. Some stones remind us of this connection, one such stone is Azurite. Soft, dark and deep in resonance it stretches across ever-expanding to infinite lengths across the great arc of the sky. Stellar and lunar, this stone moves us toward depth of spirit and the great fathoms of the unconscious. It journeys one to the spiritual realms with a goal to seek out truth and awareness of all that is hidden. The Earth that we inhabit becomes unified with the heavenly realms that are held above us, ever reminding us of where we came. In the past this stone was revered by the Atlanteans and the Egyptians as a stone of the skies, its name originating by association to the Persian word for blue ‘lazhard’, like its stellar cousin, Lapis Lazuli. A stone to open celestial gateways and bring forth visions, heralding momentous prophecies and ancients truths spiraled with great wisdom known to our ancient forebears. Existing right across the northern hemisphere in Scandinavia, Russia and China and in the southern hemisphere in Africa, Australia and Chile this deeply saturated midnight blue stone is a copper mineral produced by the weathering of copper ore deposits, not a friend of water and quite fragile this stone needs to be handled delicately. Treat it well and it will accompany you into deep sleep and deep mediation. Psychic senses are guided by the truth of the Light and intuition is greatened. The process of filtering such information for communication is eased and guided, and accuracy is heightened to a point of deep truth. With the help of Azurite, the process of journeying into past lives is more guided, as your mind integrates gathered information into present day with a grace and ease. Azurite is one of the top stones for working with the mind. It breaks through illusive patterns, breaks down useless defunct negative patterns of thinking, letting you live free of old mental constraints. Under these circumstances, the higher mind may be drawn in to anchor more fully. Your perspective, choices, expansiveness, awareness, ways of thinking, you will see altered – as a new pattern for the nervous system is created. As this blueprint is laid down, all workings of the mind, such as memory, deciphering information, focus and organization is improved. You will see no sense and have no wish to delve into torrents of worry as Azurite gently slips you into its graceful path. Sometimes Azurite occurs with another cousin, Malachite. The soft deep green of Malachite soothes one further in its stream-like journey; to the murmurings of the heart and quietening the chatterings of the mind - it will seek to understand both. Malachites deep green ray breathes in the mossy balm of Nature and Azurite cushions the mind in a deep quietness while the heart breathes into fuller growth and expansion. Azurite also occurs with Chrysocolla, a turquoise cousin of the sea, blissfully sunkissed and dancing in the waves, this combination breathes in life, fluidity, and a burst of creativity and an urge for living life that sings as it springs through the oceans. Sound frequencies are heightened here so sonorous lilts lift in and out of our earth temple bodies chanting the celestial movements of the skies and the great divinity deep within us, the children of the stars.

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Crystal & Lightbody Healing & guidance

Crystal & Lightbody Healing & guidance

Pillar to the Feminine 1 - Goddess KALI

Pillar to the Feminine 1 - Goddess KALI

Pillar to the Feminine Workshops 2017

Pillar to the Feminine Workshops 2017

Crystal Lightbody Healing & guidance/ Net of Light empowerments

Crystal Lightbody Healing & guidance/ Net of Light empowerments

Crystal Lightbody & Healing/guidance

Crystal Lightbody & Healing/guidance

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AQUA AURA QUARTZ ‘ Luminescent‘ This luminescent alchemical wonder of the Mineral Kingdom is a delight on so many levels. The meeting of two great forces, Clear Quartz and Gold.. combining the mercurial forces of water element, with its pure Aqua colour and the powerful all encompassing forces of the solar metal. Through its transmutation it brings to us a very high stimulating energy, powered by the piezoelectric effects of Quartz, aligned to the Divine by the Gold. Intensely fuelled this stone provides a clear channel to the Divine and within the entire energetic body. It is alchemy at its best in the crystalline world. When you have such alchemy that occured during the process of making, one can be assured the same level of transformation, transubstantiation, change is possible within your human self. The stone is created through an electrostatic process, (other metals may be applied, such as Silver, Titanium, and Platinum, producing other minerals). The stone is put into a vacuum and charged opposite the metal, the Quartz is heated to 871 °C /1600 °F) the vaporized pure gold metal is placed into the vacuum and the metal clings to the crystal. This is a permanent process, as often like all forms of transformation can be forever illuminated! The solar forces that Aqua Aura brings through are abundant, direct, and full of vitality.. healing and purifying all in its path. The Clear Quartz is ‘light made physical’ so forward it moves with focus clarity and magnification. Combined they are quite a force.. an immediate connector with heavenly qualities. This energy reaches deep into the cells, expanding personal perspective into a divine perspective.. awareness moves to 360 degrees right up to the Angelic kingdom where all calls are heard.. all transmissions are received, all vibrations felt , as the heart and soul of the human being levitates towards the Light. As this occurs the auric field is eased from all energy drains, the mental emotional spiritual bodies are cleansed, and brought to a higher vibrating frequency so better levels of clarity may be accessed. The main centres upon which Aqua Aura works are the third eye and the throat. With the Third eye, the higher dimensions are smoothly cohered to and the channel to this is set. The light shines through the all seeing eye to the mind and the mental body, clearing the way forward, stimulating every nerve fibre, every nerve canal, every cell transfigured into Light. With the throat.. Aqua Aura seeks Divine truths, truths of Source. In expression, any blocks or imbalances are removed, so the throat becomes a tool, a voice for the heart, a voice that is in complete union with the Soul. When the Aqua Aura energy meets the heart, it cools hot emotions like anger, agitation, over excitement or anxiety. It is worth mentioning that this stone works deeply and intensely so do approach it with that knowing. Aqua Aura has a ‘stirring’ quality , quite unique in the Mineral Kingdom.. it somehow knows what needs to stirred or brought into upheaval.. leaving no stone unturned..

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Crystal/Lightbody Healing & Guidance

Crystal/Lightbody Healing & Guidance

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Available now til end December .. <>* Happy Holidays to everyone *<> :)

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Crystal & Lightbody Healing & Guidance

Crystal & Lightbody Healing & Guidance

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(a little something written for 2016 Wild Atlantic Way magazine ) The Rivers run Deep.. The bedrock of much of Cork’s Beara peninsula is made up of one of the greatest life-streams of the Mineral Kingdom: Quartz. The veins of Ireland run thick with this millennia old stone. Tangibly present and visually awe inspiring, streams of Quartz run through the myriad of landscapes througout our Atlantic coastline. This pure white and at times translucent stone is the offspring of this great Earth and makes up much of the crystalline foundation of Ireland. The main chemical component of Quartz is silica. Like seeds of light, these crystals are dotted like lamps in the dark alcoves of the seashore all along Beara, all the way out to Mizen head, througout the Dingle Peninsula and round the many islands. This Quartz sings out to the world above. Yes, these journeys that are taken upon the Wild Atlantic Way are indeed felt far below the earth’s surface, reaching deep into the quiet ancient tunnels of the Earth. Much like our bodies and souls, the earth below feels just as deeply. In the present world we are familiar with the silica of Quartz being part of the revolutionary advances we have seen in modern technology. This is due to the ‘piezoelectric’ quality of Silica having the capacity to magnify, amplify, conduct and focus any stream of energy. In industry, Quartz crystals are used in a variety of electronic devices including computers, cell phones, televisions and radios to name just a few. It is also used to make frequency control devices and electronic filters that remove defined electromagnetic frequencies. In the inner world of the human being. The DNA structure has been proven to react to these piezoelectric effects of Quartz. In so doing, this crystallized light, grounds itself through your DNA into your physical body. As Kirlian photography has shown, while holding a piece of Quartz, the human energy field is at least doubled. If held for 30 minutes, a significant increase in theta and delta brainwaves is recorded. Clearing and releasing the weight of life’s stresses, as you travel the coastline, this crystallized Quartz deep below the earth's surface will sing through your body. As your awareness opens and expands, insight and inner feeling is given new found freedom. Towards Allihes and Eyeries, streams of copper run the length of the peninsula. Copper is a powerful energy conduit; conducting the earth frequencies to your body as you traverse the rocky shores of the west coast. Copper brings the fire of the earth up to meet you, enlivening your physical and etheric bodies spiritual energy. It is a powerful thing to come in such close contact with the earth’s magnetic forces, and is sure to bring you into greater rhythm with the seasons of your life. Copper mineralization also brings the growth of a thin green layer of Malachite a stone of the deep green forest and deep soft mosses underfoot. With its quiet and gentle strength this stone embraces the hearts of many. Malachite nurtures your being so you are giving from a well that is full, rather than empty. It is a stone of the heart’s truth that knows no bounds, nor seeks no limits. When the heart is fed it can then become a place of peace and harmony, strengthened by the mighty forces of Nature. With these forces of the crystal realms with you and the wild Atlantic air moving through you, your journey has indeed begun… let these gemstone beacons of light shine for you so heart, mind and soul are guided as you travel the rocky shores of our Atlantic coastline.

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TOPAZ ‘Vision for the future ’ Aligned with the Sun and long associated with the warmth and fire of life, Topaz holds within it a view to our future and a pathway into the higher vibrational dimensions of Earth. The name Topaz has several possible roots. The most metaphorical being ‘Topazos’ – meaning ‘to seek’, derived from the fog-bound Topazion island of the Red Sea, where Topaz was first mined (now named St.Johns Island). The word ‘Tapaz’ meaning ‘fire’ in Sanskrit, sets us sail on the transformative powers of Golden Topaz (Imperial Topaz) – beaming through with the radiance of the Sun, stimulating power and passion, impelling us to be as victorious warriors of positive action and direction. As our minds and spirits are quickened upward and forward, we can trail-blaze the way ahead within personal and collective consciousness. Golden Topaz allows our vision to stretch further – so from an aerial view we may see with great expansion and without limitation; moving old constructs to the side so they are not blocking our view! The time is now to be unyielding in determination, transcend every-day human perspective and align our hearts and truths with great wisdom and creativity - lighting the way for Plant Earth; building new cellular consciousness – our crystalline 5th Dimensional selves. The sunlight of Golden Topaz is such that it beams Divine light into the DNA of our physical cells so we may live more as the Divine vehicles that we truly are. Latest research suggests that we use but 2-10% of this DNA. In working with gemstones such as Topaz, we may initiate whole new cellular regeneration, rejuvenation and rebirth; creating entirely new DNA (Divine Natural Awareness) and ultimately entirely new cellular consciousness. Further alchemy lies within the nature of its golden rays – it is said that Golden Topaz holds the gold-pink 12th ray of Christ Consciousness; anchoring divine unconditional love, joyfulness, and reverence for all life; the highest aspects of wisdom, illuminating intelligence, power, harmony and peace for all on the Earth plane. In combining such qualities of the Christed mind and the Christed heart – one would expect a kind of ‘superhero’ to emerge! - a level of evolvement where personal will is aligned with higher will, where one has great spiritual drive and vision towards personal and Universal success and where ones working day is spent doing ‘spiritualized work’ and in the greater quest of life for All. Pink Topaz aligns more specifically with Venus. Venus, the second planet from the Sun and our closest neighbour serves us as the morning star and the evening star. Venus transits unify the Sun and Venus and bring much aforementioned Christ Light was focused onto Earth – infusing the Earth plane with the Venusian energies of the Divine Feminine. Pink Topaz supports these new energies in encouraging gracefulness, ease and joyful living, spontaneity that springs from the heart. It brings in great hopefulness and trust during these times of great transition. Connection with our cosmic brothers and sisters may be accessed through Clear Topaz, while holding many similar properties as Golden Topaz, it attunes with the movements of the stars, connects us with the stellar aspects of ourselves, gaining aspects of light, clarity and purity that stretches us beyond regular human consciousness. Blue Topaz works as a real gem-treasure of truth and wisdom. Helping us in accessing and communicating divine nuggets of information that are waiting to be tapped into, enhancing the mind and aspirations, raising mental faculties to get that all-important aerial view..

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