Early Start Scoil Padre Pio
Early Start Preschool is a preschool on the campus of the primary school Scoil Padre Pio in Churchfield.
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facebook.comWhat a morning! Races, Games, Medals, Laughter and Tears. Thank you to all the children and parents of Early Start. We have had a great year. Wishing all the children the very best for next year . Looking forward to seeing some of you at our door again in Sept 2017
Practising for our Sports Day tomorrow
Early start children will finish school at 10.30am today Tuesday 27th, due to retirement mass. Other children finish at 12noon.
Early start school tour Monday 19th. Leaving school at 9am sharp. Returning from the farm at 12.30pm. Please apply sun cream to the children. They can wear their own clothes. No school lunches so bring a packed lunch🌞🐷🐮🐣
Having fun making Rice Krispie buns.
Scoil padre pio & Early Start will be closed Monday 5th until Friday 9th June. We re-open Monday the 12th. 🌞
Having fun in the garden !
Great fun had by all at the library & cafe.
Trips & activities in Early Start over the coming weeks.🌞
Early Start will be on their cafe/ library trip t'moro 🍳🍞📖. Morning & afternoon groups. Also the whole school is closed on Thursday 25th of May. 🌞Thank you.
Having fun with some new toys!
Helping friends balance on the tyres. 🌞