Trinity Presbyterian Church, Cork, Ireland
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facebook.comChurch BBQ tonight Saturday 5th August @ 7.30pm All welcome! :)
The Battle Belongs to The Lord
Don't miss this special event tonight from Ireland4Jesus happening in New Life Church in Cork hosped by Pastor Barry Cunningham
Have a blessed week everyone!
First Rathfriland Presbyterian Church are planning a live Facebook broadcast with their Titanic Memorial Service to mark the 105th Anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic on Sunday 9th April at 7.00pm. Please invite your friends to join their service online via Facebook. (y) :) Every blessing First Rathfriland Presbyterian Church.
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Cork Information week beginning Sunday 26 March 2017 SERMON NOTES ETC Title: Act 5 ? Content: Hebrews 13.8-23 For further sermons etc which I may yet deliver and for “Memories of Ministry” please look at my blog but don’t rush, it’s blank at the moment. :) Thank you to Stephen, Tony, and Oxana who have put us “online” over the years. The Vacancy Convener is Rev Danny Reyes Martin (089) 428 8302 Pastoral care is offered by Rev William Montgomery (086) 372 9144 PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE EVENTS AND CONCERNS FOR PERSONAL NEEDS Elderly people especially and those without cars are hit hard by the bus strike. Pray for its resolution and that it does not spread to all public transport. Give thanks for the large attendances at “Uncover Cork” events. Please pray for Peter Grier and the Christian Unions as they reflect on what has been done and follow people who have expressed interest. Presbyterian Church “Prayer Journey” Monday 7:30 pm Women’s Bible Study Parables��No International Cafe on Tuesday 28th. Wednesday 1030 - 11 am Prayer 1- 2 pm Bible Study� access by side door facing the river, up the wheelchair ramp New church website� sermons on our archive We collect �groceries and hygiene items� for people in need. �Bring a bag any Sunday �and leave on front pew.� This helps stock our emergency food cupboard� and is delivered to local charities. Twitter account @TPChurchCork Website Facebook “Trinity Presbyterian Church, Cork” MODERATOR’S SPECIAL APPEAL �Appeal for Food Crisis in East Africa In recent weeks, aid agencies have been warning that millions of people are at risk of food shortages and possible starvation following the worst drought to hit East Africa in over half a century. Parts of South Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia have all suffered two seasons of prolonged dry spells and crop failures leaving a shocking 16 million people at risk. Famine was declared in parts of South Sudan in February– making it the first official famine in any part of the world in the past six years. Given the scale of this disaster, and following consultation with colleagues, I am launching a special Moderator’s Appeal towards the emergency relief effort, and would take the opportunity to encourage our members to respond in a generous and timely way, just as you have on many previous occasions. Background information to assist you with highlighting this Special Appeal is available on the PCI website Twitter account @TPChurchCork Website Facebook “Trinity Presbyterian Church, Cork” �We collect �groceries and hygiene items� for people in need. �Bring a bag any Sunday �and leave on front pew.� This helps stock �our emergency food cupboard� and is delivered to local charities.
International Feast tonight! :D
Great photo! Thanks for sharing! :)
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Cork Information week beginning Sunday 12 March 2017 SERMON NOTES ETC The Letter to the Hebrews Title: Bitterness or Blessing Hebrews 12.14-29 PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE EVENTS AND CONCERNS FOR PERSONAL NEEDS A Youth with a Mission (YWAM) team is coming to stay in our hall Sat 11 to Sun 19 March Pray for their training and participation in outreach especially during the St Patrick’s Festival Presbyterian Church “Prayer Journey” Monday 7:30 pm Women’s Bible Study Parables� Tuesday 14 March 2 pm Join with the YWAM team in leaflet distribution around the Wellington Road area Tuesdays 7:30 pm� Baptist Church,� 46 MacCurtain St �International Cafe �Improve your English! �Meet people from different countries! Wednesday 1030 - 11 am Prayer 1- 2 pm Bible Study� access by side door facing the river, up the wheelchair ramp “Uncover” Cork Mission More details can be found on the Facebook page at: Sunday 26 March Lord’s Supper 11:45 am� CHILD PROTECTION UPDATE DATE NOW CHANGED TO MONDAY 27 MARCH Clerk of Presbytery writes “… the last in a series of Information Seminars, put together to explain the process of the new online Garda vetting system. It is really important that at least one person from your congregation attends on Monday 27th March 2017 for training in Cahir if no-one from your congregation has already attended one of the previous seminars. There is no need to register.” A DATE TO BE NOTED Friday 31 March Trinity 7:30 pm a service to mark John Faris’s retirement. Refreshments afterwards in Ambassador Hotel, Military Hill RSVP to by Friday 17 March. New church website� sermons on our archive We collect �groceries and hygiene items� for people in need. �Bring a bag any Sunday �and leave on front pew.� This helps stock our emergency food cupboard� and is delivered to local charities. Twitter account @TPChurchCork Website Facebook “Trinity Presbyterian Church, Cork”
Trinity PC show_sermon
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Cork Information week beginning Sunday 29 January 2017 SERMON NOTES ETC Theme: The Letter to the Hebrews Title: "Done" before "Do" Hebrews 9.23-27 10.1-18 PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE EVENTS AND CONCERNS Notes shared by Mike Ewan of SIM “Serving in Mission” at our service on 29 January Christ’s mission is unchanged Matthew 28:16-20 WORSHIP is our starting point LORDSHIP is our founding authority DISCIPLESHIP is our central activity HIS PRESENCE is our continued confidence Go! Vision Development The priority of the gospel The priority of the unreached Two way mission We work hand-in- hand with evangelical churches to send and receive gospel workers equipped for cross cultural mission wherever people live and die without hearing the God’s good news Purpose Statement Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news, we believe that He has called us to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where he is least known How do we operate? Church-centred approach: working hand-in-hand with evangelical churches Christ-like discipleship: equipping gospel workers for relational cross-cultural outreach Cross-agency collaboration: making disciples of Jesus Christ as Lord wherever he is least known FOR PERSONAL NEEDS Presbyterian Church “Prayer Journey” Monday 7:30 pm Women’s Bible Study� Wednesday 1030 - 11 am Prayer 1- 2 pm Bible Study� access by side door facing the river, up the wheelchair ramp Tuesdays 7:30 pm� Baptist Church,� 46 MacCurtain St ��International Evening �Improve your English! ��Meet people from different countries! New church website� sermons on our archive We collect �groceries and hygiene items� for people in need. �Bring a bag any Sunday �and leave on front pew.� This helps stock our emergency food cupboard� and is delivered to local charities. Twitter account @TPChurchCork Website Facebook “Trinity Presbyterian Church, Cork”