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Living Waters

Non-Profit Organization



A Christ centred, Holy Spirit led, multi-cultural, non-denominational church in Cork, Ireland.    


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Beloved come and be blessed in the Presence of the Lord and be ministered by His Spirit.

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Living Waters

You are most welcome to join us tomorrow morning to worship, hear from the Lord through the preaching of God's Word and to have fellowship.

Living Waters

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Beloved we are enjoying the presence of the Lord with us every time we gather to worship. God is awakening us with a sense of longing and yearning for Him. Lives are being restored and brought back to an intimacy with Him. If you don't have anywhere to worship tomorrow morning you are most welcome.

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The following is the testimony of Olwyn Buckley: As a Christian I had many wonderful times in God’s presence but none more so than the last 21 days. Our Pastor Jay asked us to dedicate 21 days at the start of 2017 to seek the face of God, fasting and praying together for 4 hours a day. To tell the truth at the beginning I didn’t know if I was either willing or able, I had so much going on and so much weighing on my heart and mind. I thought to myself I will start anyway and see. Week 1: it was as everything that could go wrong did go wrong, but the prayer time was so powerful it kept me wanting more. Week 2: was full of a lovely sense of closeness to the Lord, and by Week 3: I felt like I had received a personal revival, a peace and joy flooded my heart and mind. That peace that surpasses all understanding. I found myself longing to just “Be still and know that He is God”. For those of you that know me that’s no minor miracle, ‘Me and Stillness’!! I felt like I was falling deeper in love with Jesus once more and returning to the simplicity and power of prayer. I had come to a place of complete rest where you can truly say, “He who had started a good work is faithful to complete it”, and to rest in the goodness and faithfulness of God. This was a prayer time that was set, but when you feel the joy and peace of sitting in His presence, it draws you into a prayer life not just a prayer time. I have not seen as yet the answers to some of my prayers but I have the assurance that He is working it all out. Feeling beyond blessed and so hopeful for the year and years ahead. Olly

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We would be delighted to welcome you to worship with us tomorrow morning.

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Living Waters

Looking Forward to what the Lord is going to do in the Lives of those who earnestly seek the face of the Lord.

Living Waters

Living Waters's cover photo

Living Waters's cover photo

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Beloved, let us continue to stand together in continual trust and believing for our breakthroughs and miracles. "Nothing is impossible with Him". Join us tonight at 7.30pm.

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