Yoga with Alma
I teach Vinyasa Flow from beginner level to Intermediate; Pre Natal yoga; Mum & baby yoga; Kids Yoga (4-12 years & Teens) & Private classes (1 on 1). �
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Jazzy Jamming 🎸🎼 at Kids Yoga today from 3pm @yogaloftcork for ages 4-7 years. Drop in😎 #musickidsrock #keepingkidscreative #yogafun
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Good morning😎classes are hotting up @yogaloftcork 🔥new heaters in so come sweat 💦 it out at 615pm. If you fancy taking it up a level pop into Douglas Yoga Rooms tomor eve 615pm (level 2-3). #takingittoanotherlevel #hotashell #nobikinisallowed 👙
Kids' yoga classes provide balance and mindfulness
Great read 😊I trained with Rainbow Kids Yoga in 2010 & it was one of the most fun, learning experiences I've ever had. * Kids Yoga every Wednesday @ the Yoga Loft 3pm (open for the Easter 🐣 hols).
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Yoga for Kids @yogaloftcork today 3pm. Ages 4-7 years. It's obstacle course day today so hopefully they'll enjoy a little rest at the end 🙏#whoamikidding #creativeplay #theyjustlovesavasana 🤣
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Moving On...Level 2-3 Vinyasa Flow at the Douglas Yoga Rooms @615pm. #feeltheburn #takingittothenextlevel #practiseandalliscoming
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New heaters 🔥 @yogaloftcork 💦💦💦😄every Monday 615pm. #hotyoga #yogaeveryday #itsgettinghotinhere
Good morning ☕️A few sun salutes while the porridge is on. Catch me @yogaloftcork this evening at 615pm for Vinyasa mixed levels✌🏻#wheresthesun #sunsalutemonday #yogapantspjs
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Chia seed pudding @thehappypear book😝so good, so easy! Arch liked it😁 #chiapudding #tootiredtohashtag
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Today we play 👫 Kids Yoga for 4-7year olds. 3pm @yogaloftcork #itsallaboutthekids #funtimes #keepingkidsbusy #creativeplay #creativeminds #kidsyoga
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We practise in the sun..when it shines ☀️ Every Monday I teach a group of employees yoga. Yesterday we got to practise outside & it was friggin amazing 😎 #mistersun #whenthesunhits #yogainthegarden #yogadaily #yogaeveryday #luckyme
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Kicking the week off @yogaloftcork this evening at 615pm. Vinyasa for mixed levels 💪 #yogaeverydamnday #slowandsteady #hellosunshine☀️#practiseandallwillcome
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Join me & the girls for Pre Natal yoga 🤰this morning 11.30am at the Yoga Loft. An hour & 15 minutes of relaxing, stretching & chatting 😊& have a munch at Salt cafe afterwards 😋 📱 Text me on 0871368801 if you fancy dropping by