Pick and Mix Holistics
Holistic clinic based in Popes Quay, Cork City.You can book
Holistic,sports massage,
I.E.T (Integrated Energy Therapy) & come to my pop up events! :) Pick and Mix Holistics has been set up by Kerri.
A massage and I.E.T. therapist, who is passionate about her job and her clients well-being.
Pick and Mix Holistics is all about treating yourself well!
Based in 38, Popes Quay, in Cork city, you can book one on one appointments for the following;
30mins - Neck,back and shoulder massage,€35
40 mins- Sports massage ( one area)€40
60 mins - Holistic massage €50
90 mins - Holistic massage €70
60 mins - I.E.T (Integrated Energy Therapy)€50
*reading on request with the I.E.T*
120 mins - Masssage and I.E.T combo - €90
Pick and Mix Holistics also runs pop up events.
These are donation run clinic weekends, where you, your friends and family can come along and try new therapies we have on offer.
You can avail of a wide range of treatments, given by professionals and give yourself that well deserved treat!
Keep an eye on this page for more information about the pop up events. To book your one on one with Kerri, call 085 7768653, e-mail pickandmixholistics@gmail.com or send a message to this page!
You can follow this quirky business on Instagram too! Website is under construction but shall be live in the next few weeks :)
Pick and Mix Holistics - Treat yourself well.
Tell your friends
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New flowers for my therapy room. To book a massage or an I.E.T appointment, call Kerri on 085 7768653 :) Details of the next Pick and Mix Pop Up coming later this week!!:)
Applebee Bakes
In honour of it being Women's Day, here's a shout out to a fellow business lady friend of mine based here in Cork. Applebee Bakes. Pick up massage voucher & afternoon tea set for Mother's day - you'll be in the good books for sure! Fully booked the rest of this week. Two appointments available Sunday! Call 085 7768653 to book your massage or pick up a voucher :) https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1827001020895343&id=1600688356859945
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Long post alert!:) I always find social media an odd extension of my business & creation. Letting ye know about appointments and offers is simply an exchange of information. However, there is also something vacuous about it at times. So here's something about me and Pick and Mix Holistic's for those whose ears I have yet to burn! :) This time, almost to the day last year, life was grand and there was / is nothing wrong with grand. I had a gut feeling to attend an I.E.T training (having never received a treatment until that day) but my gut feeling was too strong to ignore. So I took the chance,made the call and went along. Three months later, I went on to complete the other two training levels and it was then it went from cruise control, to well - full steam ahead. Within weeks, I completed a business course, attended meetings for the first time in my life,hired an accountant and sat in front of a bank manager, on the hottest day of the summer while looking like I had come from my Bikram yoga class. Trust me, I was in a world that was far from my comfort zone of a therapy room!! There was a number of bumps, twists, hurts and turns over those few months for sure. There purpose was only to provide a contrast. The level of support, encouragement, advice, tea, late night chats with friends & family and wonderful clients has always outweighed any of the bumps. Did it take it's toll? Yes, I won't lie. Over Christmas, I burned out and my body was telling me to take time out. Take time for me. Did I want to? No. I want to keep going & creating! Did I? Yes. How do I feel now? Happy, relaxed & with a renewed enthusiasm. I am super excited to let ye know that I am currently in the process of creating wonderful events and workshops for you, friends and family to come along and try! I will let ye know more about that as soon as I can share it!! I'm going to post a bit more like this as it feels better. I feel like you get to know me & what is being created. So, take that step. Make that call. Just do one thing that is different today and relish in that excitement of having stepped out of the normal routine. You never know where that path will lead. I certainly didn't! Enjoy the pancakes today! Kerri :) P.S.... 085 7768653 is the phone number for bookings and inquires & pickandmixholistics@gmail.com if you'd prefer to e-mail me!:)
Three is the magic number - Just three available spaces for massage & I.E.T treatments left for next week. Appointments are available Monday, Friday & Saturday morning and two slots available next Sunday. Valentine's deal is still on offer - a 30 minute Neck,back & shoulder massage each for you and a friend for €50 in total - worth €80. Gift vouchers available too. For bookings & inquiries, call Kerri on 085 7768653
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Feeling the love - Valentines offer for you and a friend - A 30 minute neck, back & shoulder massage each for €50. Please mention the Valentines offer when booking. Offer will run until the 28th of Feb :) To Book - Call or Text me on 085 7768653 or message the page , Kerri :) Artwork is by Joesphine Wall :)
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Nice way to end the work day :)
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1st of February & Spring today!Yippee! Fully booked this week but spaces available next week :) Posting what's on offer and the specials underneath! :) **Exciting February Offer - *Limited Spaces due to demand* Angel hour wellness and guidance session for €40. You will receive an I.E.T session (energy healing with angels) with guidance angel card reading for €40** Treatment Price List 2017 I.E.T Approx. 1 hour €50 I.E.T & Massage Duo Two Hours €100 I.E.T & Angel Card Guidance Reading 90 minutes €60 Neck, back & shoulder massage 40 minute €40 Holistic Massage 1 Hour €55 Signature 90 Treatment €75 Sports Massage (one area) 35 minutes €40 Coming in May 2017........ I.E.T Training courses Basic Level €175 Intermediate €180 Advanced €180 Contact Kerri on 085 7768653 for more information :)
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Exciting February Offer - *Limited Spaces due to demand* Angel hour wellness and guidance session for €40. You will receive an I.E.T session (energy healing with angels) with guidance angel card reading for €40. I.E.T is a really beautiful, gentle energy treatment, leaving you feeling lighter, brighter and calmer. Helpful with stress, blockages, mental unrest, emotional stress, illness and physical tension. The angel cards are wonderful guidance tools used for your health and well being. This session is normally €60 but for February will be €40. You will also be able to train and learn I.E.T with me from May! Exciting times ahead! Contact Kerri on 085 7768653 to book your spot :)
Photos from Pick and Mix Holistics's post
Come and book your massage or I.E.T session here in Pope's Quay for next week :) Pop ups...training and I.E.T courses coming soon! :)
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Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas :)
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Want to say a big thank you to the therapists ,Rosi, Maria and Helena; Pope's Quay Therapy Clinic and all of ye who came and donated to S.V.P - Pick and Mix Holistic Pop Up event. Bags of toys, vouchers and food were handed over Saturday evening! Wishing ye all a great Christmas and New Year to follow, with much more coming from me in the New Year :) Kerri :)